Four of us are on the road, one Providence College move in and drop off, circle home quick then out and a Furman University drop.
Road food has been great, been thinking about that lobster roll all summer long. Girls and I love and enjoy food, and any shared meal is often our favorite part of the day.
We’ve been cooking at home for as long as we can remember, and honestly feel it’s a kind of super glue. Cooking at home brings us together and creates unbreakable bonds, the kind that make college drop offs unbelievably bittersweet.
Ooooo what’s your pizza and pie recipe?
Pizza recipe moves around depending on toppings, pie recipe is from the heart. 🙂 long range goal is to put favorites together into a book 🙂
Greatnews to know this goal… because when you set something you just do it… I will be there for the autography night! To see your family bond made me so happy. Congratularions