a simple garden

Sure, there’s some yard and lawn help, yet no gardener; who really has a gardener these days? Having always wanted a garden, simply have had to dig in.

Three plus decades ago while in our very first home I sat driveway side for hours and hours and pulled bushels and bushels of established Pachysandra thinking it was a damn invasive weed. Felt pretty darn satisfied at day’s end with my efforts, yikes.

Now I plant tender roots of all kinds and patiently watch them grow.

not perfect yet perfect pears from husbands fruit orchard

It’s a good place when your head is down with hands in dirt. A garden of any kind feels safe and reassuring.

even on her wedding day we had watering to do

If you’ve been a follower here you know I’ve gone somewhat silent: oldest daughter married and youngest off to college: life changes. Trying to figure out a space in this spinning world, and what’s next.

homegrown kale, basil, tomatoes, thyme, blueberries

A simple garden is a good start.

what we’ve got going on now…

Every day dress, xoxo.

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1 Comment

  1. We just started to plant our mums! Going to try some purple kale with them this year. Fall is almost here…

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