We could have updated the blog on any one of six flights we’re recently been on; way too complicated, wifi too spotty, and kind of wanted to watch five movies in a row – something we never, ever do.
While away blog caught the ‘white screen of death’ for about five days, sorry, really had no idea what that was until it happened and then had to google and ultimately talk with a nice guy from Go Daddy and he figured things out. Kind of funny as no one was really missing it, that’s how life goes. And the Instagram feed still not aligned with the blog? Oh, well, we’ll figure that out too, in time.
Anyways, we’re back and here’s a little info about what we do professionally: help women, one to one, through personalized style sessions, look and feel great in the clothes we all wear. I’m convinced we all love a little love and affirmation, especially in the ‘what should I wear?’ and ‘how does this look?’ department.
Being a mom to daughters, and we’ve got four, keeps you constantly in the wardrobe loop. A week ago or so, Friday, two of four daughters and I checked into the Worth New York and W by Worth showrooms on 57th Street and 5th Avenue in New York City. They loved so much of what was in front of them. In a city of unlimited clothing choices, they were looking for a little one to one; one to one attention on what looked best on them, what would work with their individual look and lifestyle.
That’s what we do: one to one personalized style sessions, in our showroom on Delaware Ave in Buffalo NY, on 57th and 5th in NYC, in the privacy of your own home or office, or virtually while online sharing our computer screens.
We believe all women should look and feel great in the clothes we wear. Every day dress, each time we put on clothes we have a new opportunity to do it again, make it different, make it better. xoxo
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