Kind of wishing the title might be a little nap, yet no such thing these days. Youngest at sixteen started school yesterday, and oldest at almost twenty-eight came for steaks on the grill and salad last night.
These days just keep going strong.
So, we’ve been wearing a little cap sleeved dress. It’s been hot as heck and we’ve got places to be so the above knee-length and the textured fabric in our two very favorite colors, black and white, of course, make this piece the perfect polished runaround look.
Actually, we’ve cleaned out closets big-time and keeping only things we absolutely love. I’ve driven car loads to the good will, my closet is two-thirds bare, and it’s so much easier to get dressed. Highly recommend.
Added some tough love shoes and classic top-handled bag, out the door.
Every day dress, a little cap, and then maybe a little nap. Happy back to school. xoxo
For help with the wardrobe, the closet, or if you too might like to work in the fun and ever-changing world of fashion, email me here at rebecca@everydaydress.com. We’re all about reinventing ourselves constantly and fresh starts. Every day brings new opportunity.
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