love dior


Thinking that the favorite now is Dior. The French seem to have a way with keeping those things you covet and love just a little out of reach. Kind of reminds me of my first trip to Paris when I was so language shy I wouldn’t speak pretty much at all and came home thin thin thin because I had no confidence to ask for or order anything to eat. Looked, yes, ate, no. That was a long time ago.

With fashion we’re talking no online ordering, even at the sites of those places that carry those goods in their brick and mortar. Used to be able to order a dress online from Neiman or Bergdorf, not any more, perhaps making the loving and longing even stronger?

Photos shown were taken in Paris and Madrid in September. This time, we were served champagne. Since then have seen orange and pink together, far and near. Love Dior. Top of the Christmas wish list.

Every day dress.



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