seared sea scallops

IMG_0377IMG_0378IMG_0381Perhaps you’re looking for something quick, healthy, and delicious to serve friends and family the next day or two? Consider seared sea scallops, so easy, and the season’s first zucchini, so uniformly small, and round it out with some black rice simmered in organic vegetable broth. Kept it clean and garnish free and simply used kosher salt, clarified butter, a little grape seed and a little olive oil.

Served this last night with a little cab franc, maybe not the perfect food wine pairing but it was downright gorgeous, and everyone was happy.


Bonus: pansies on the outside table, finally!

Every day dress with best wishes to all for a special spring weekend.


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1 Comment

  1. BONUS: OD comes home today to eat your homemade cooking!!

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