Even though I wear most of my jeans tight I keep my day disciplined but also loose. Things don’t always unfold as planned. Today was scheduled delivery of nine large boxes for Fall Trunk Show- tracked them down in NC at around 10:30 am. Oh, well. This is way far from health care or anything else really serious.
So, pivot and make the best of it. A few phone calls and appointments are rescheduled. Team from Rochester to help unpack and inventory rerouted to antique shops in Clarence NY. Extra hours in the day are thought of as a bonus.
As for expected deliveries and shots of the Jimmy Choo glitter clutch? That thing was ordered last October for a big event at the Albright-Knox Art Gallery in November 2011. Delivery confirmation came about two weeks age and It showed up at my door ten days ago. Happy to have it for this Fall.
Keep it loose.
Worth New York Fall 2012 Trunk Show now starts Thursday, August 9.
1 Comment
I conncur to keep it loose! As a wise woman Betty Hill Crrowson…author of The Joy is in the Journe….. says….you need to learn to wear life like a loose garment…and not a girdle!
You have shown us beautidully Rebecca with sharing your day. Thank you