Most recent comment on the blog gave me great pause: ‘while I enjoy the fashion posts, I love the food, celebrations, family and just your style and attitude posts the most. They are the ones that inspire me to light the candles, stop at the farmer’s market and enjoy it all! Thank you!’
two tenderloins, prepped for oven roasting
serving up 4 scratch blueberry pies with whipped cream, all out at the country house
My reply was that fashion is a true professional and personal passion, feeding those I love supersedes all. It’s like this thing that I have to do to make the day whole, and right.
Last night I was on deck to lend support to colleague, partner and friend at a gig she was in charge of, a fundraising fashion show with 375+ women in attendance. To get there without guilt needed to have dinner ready to go for the crew at home, even while I wasn’t there. It was sautéed chicken breasts, with fresh herbs, and roasted brussels sprouts and sweet potatoes. Nothing crazy; simple, honest food. No photos, it was a weeknight work night. We know men and women all over are cooking for those they love, we LOVE that. We LOVE coming together at day break or days end to break bread. We’re really all about feeding others.
gotta love hosting in an apron, this time is ski town for fall festival, when it’s all ready to serve, off it goes
arranging the porterhouse and the rib eye, always by hand
we like to serve on huge platters
steak and greens, always a hit
ketchup and A1 on the table, yikes, fresh flowers on wrapped gifts, yay
So, our true roots here of this little blog are every day dress and that encompasses the clothes we wear, the way we move, the food we eat. It’s even as simple as making the bed, even though no one else is looking. It’s like a lifestyle kind of thing, taking what needs to happen each day and putting forth some effort and making it a little special.
bacon, eggs, pancakes and bagels, next morning | we had a houseful, 14 of us in all
Sharing here some iPhone photos of recent food happenings, the digital camera just really doesn’t happen when we’re in the thick of it.
we’re kind of liking pumpkins that aren’t orange this year
casual weeknight table setting, real linen, not necessarily matched
fast food = salad, ciabatta rolls, burgers, lettuce, tomato, and lobster ravioli
oops, we’ve got two knives here 🙂
we hang at home in our mens’ shirts, sleeves rolled, and make single colored simple flower groupings
If you’ve been reading and have arrived here, thanks for being part of our community. xoxo
1 Comment
You always inspiring me and Your posts inspires me here in Brasil to make nice tables and real food. My Daugher feels like knows you Nd Your family. Please sha Your scratche pies and cookies recipies. Xoxo thanks for the blog