tomato and cucumber | bag and shoe


Sometimes you’ve just gotta add something new to the nightly | weekly rotation.

As a home cook we put out plenty of chicken dinners, usually with a green vegetable and a potato or grain. Tonight we’re throwing in a tomato, cucumber and red onion salad, while that said chicken is roasting along with some butternut squash. All plentiful at the market, and not earth moving at all, simply fresh, quick and easy.


As a stylist we put out and wear plenty of little black dresses. Last night put on the new one and cycled in last year’s shoes, and a bag from three year’s ago.

We probably can’t, and shouldn’t, have new things all the time. Keeping it fresh means embracing what works, and rotating in a few new things that engage and delight.

All photos iPhone, we’re slightly unorganized, it’s Tuesday, and the camera battery(s) aren’t charged.

Thinking about the blog here a little. We don’t really want to push new things to buy all the time, there’s plenty of those out there, we really want to inspire daily lifestyle choices, incorporating of course good clothes, good food and wine, a nice house and garden, and spending time with those we love.

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Celebrated 29 years of marriage last night; in that new, little black dress. xoxo


essentials | some new, some not





Friday night and I couldn’t be happier as we’re wearing the ever faithful blue denim, black tank, black jacket, black suede shoe. Super quick post as husband is hustling me out the door.


I’ve resolved to keep it simple: wear what works, and invest in a few essential key pieces and wear them with abandon. New picks for fall 16? Simple spaghetti strap tank and sequined tuxedo jacket with great pockets. I’ll wear it now with denim and then again for a more polished evening look.


If you too want to update, streamline, and keep it simple we’re booking style appointments. It’s fun, and we know how to make it easier for you to look and feel great in the clothes you wear. and www.wbyworth/michelle-capizzi

fall and winter trunk shows happening now, near you

TGIF everyone, xoxo

keeping it real



Bought these out there pants months ago, never worked them into the rotation (kind of didn’t hem them), so here they are, mid-September. We’re all about keeping it real:

  • we say ‘yes’, way more than no, even when we’re not qualified
  • we simply roll the waistband when we don’t do the tailor job ourselves for the perfect hem
  • instead of over thinking the hair mid-week we simply knot it up
  • black is always good
  • movement every day is key, lifting heavy things twice is a very good week, thanks Jordan and Booie
  • we don’t shop at the mall, instead add to the wardrobe over time at seasonal trunk shows
  • we’re all about good food, and good (or any) wine
  • we kind of don’t care that it shows that we’re all about good food and wine, skinny and ageless we will never be
  • we like getting things done, figuring things out, and (sometimes) being downright scrappy, hey Michelle!






To get these outfit shots sixteen year old daughter and I hop in the car and drive two minutes to remote industrial lot. She clicks away, I feel a bit awkward, it all goes down in less than five. Not perfect and not 100%, simply saying yes and getting it done.


Every day dress, we’re all about keeping it real, and fun.

Wednesday, woot woot!

Wearing a mix-up: Rebecca Minkoff at Tony Walker & Co. jacket, Wolford bodysuit, Worth New York pant, Gucci bag


last week Sunday



Last week Sunday we were all about making a mess: casual dinner for 6 morphed into impromptu party for 40, plus assorted dogs.














Cooked off 4 scratch blueberry pies, chocolate cookies, and banana bread, always start with dessert. 4 beef Tenderloin, 4 whole chickens quartered by knife and hand in the sink, gotta love the prep work and really should have gone for 6 birds, 3 dozen corn, green beans, yellow beans, miles of greens, roasted new red and white potatoes, and lobster mac and cheese. Bake, cook, grill, cook. All out effort. Dance party pics didn’t make the blog.







Love feeding those we love.

If it’s a mess, so be it.

Dishes for days…

It’s Monday, a long way from last week Sunday, and we’ve been in suite 101 having a ball working fall winter 16 fashion. If that gig doesn’t work out perhaps we’ll take up cooking for zillions.



a little cap…


Kind of wishing the title might be a little nap, yet no such thing these days. Youngest at sixteen started school yesterday, and oldest at almost twenty-eight came for steaks on the grill and salad last night.

These days just keep going strong.




So, we’ve been wearing a little cap sleeved dress. It’s been hot as heck and we’ve got places to be so the above knee-length and the textured fabric in our two very favorite colors, black and white, of course, make this piece the perfect polished runaround look.

Actually, we’ve cleaned out closets big-time and keeping only things we absolutely love. I’ve driven car loads to the good will, my closet is two-thirds bare, and it’s so much easier to get dressed. Highly recommend.


Added some tough love shoes and classic top-handled bag, out the door.

Every day dress, a little cap, and then maybe a little nap. Happy back to school. xoxo

For help with the wardrobe, the closet, or if you too might like to work in the fun and ever-changing world of fashion, email me here at  We’re all about reinventing ourselves constantly and fresh starts. Every day brings new opportunity.


dinner, so easy


Late summer and this time of year, dinner, so easy. Grab what’s fresh, slice and sauté, and grill up some protein. A little yogurt blue cheese dressing to balance it off. No recipes, no cookbooks, simply get it on.



Blog has been on the back burner, we’ve been focused on family, work, and getting two teenaged daughters back to school.


Family dinner keeps us cool. xoxo

summer nights


Youngest of six turned sixteen Tuesday, and honestly feel a change of rhythm, and somewhat heightened responsibility. Another one learning to drive, and with that the not easy letting go. Summer nights when they all might like to be out.

Instead of the historical cotton candy and snow cones and kids running all over, we celebrated with a small sit down dinner for twelve in the city backyard.




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We had blackberry lime Rickey’s, old school artichoke and crab dip with pitas toasted on the grill, roast chicken, mashed potatoes and haricots vert. Red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting when it got dark.

Not a lot of photos from the birthday, I was super busy in the kitchen and kept asking if someone would pick up the camera, never happened. That’s a good thing, seems we can get caught up documenting not just being. It was an absolutely beautiful evening.



The rest of this month we’ve been dining al fresco, making a good mess in the kitchen, and driving for overnights to upstate small lakes. Driving back again even in the middle of the night when the pull of family is strong and overwhelming.
















Wishing everyone safe summer nights as we slide towards what we all think of as routine, which inevitably ends up not.






back to work



Undoubtedly one of the hottest weeks of the year and we’ve been back at work playing with way cool fall clothes.

Black leather biker cape? Total score, and borrowed for our super quick shoot from Worth New York.




Black tank and black pants are mine, also Worth New York. Put them on, take them off, go to bed, wake up, and put them on again, every single day this week, no kidding.

Every day dress, back to work. Fall and winter style appointments at or . Now let’s get the kiddos back to school.


Black Leather Biker Cape | Black Crepe Jersey Tank | Black Stretch Crepe Valentina Pant

Worth New York Fall 16

get it done


Some days are just about getting it done. Today, one of those days.

Going to the gym: you’ve just gotta do it, makes you feel good. Funny thing, once you’re done, it’s all about going again.

Every day dress, let’s all get it done, again and again.

make it a triple

IMG_6062 IMG_6063 IMG_6064 IMG_6068 IMG_6070 IMG_6071 IMG_6073 IMG_6077For sure, the food we eat, the clothes we wear, and the company we keep help to elevate the ordinary. How cool is it to cook for those you love most days and nights?

Thank you dear yesterday’s reader, for commenting you missed the food posts, this one’s for you. It’s not fancy, simply what we put out last night. Pan sautéed zucchini, not totally in season yet we love it anyway, and made it a triple pan party to cook it up fast. Red quinoa, that super grain of the Andes, cooked up with some organic vegetable broth, delicious. Added some fish for more protein, cod for the husband and salmon for the women. Oh, and the tomatoes, with the fresh basil from the new kitchen garden! The whole shebang made a great lunch today, too, with some toast and smashed avocado. No photo of that, we were working. (!). Simple white tulips, and white votives. Stovetop is a little messy, that’s how it goes.

Professionally, we’re working on adding to the team. If you are someone you know wants to work their days with beautiful clothing and beautiful women, comment here on the blog post and we’ll ring you. We’d love to make it a triple, and you know who I’m talking too. Teams are a winning combination.

Every day dress, make it a triple.