No better way to break the ice than to simply get back to it and sink in. We’ve been out, and loving every minute. Not every day that a child gets married, and we put our all into it to make it happen. Happen it did, it was amazing, in so many out of the world ways. Wedding post coming, need to gather resources, stay tuned.
What we really do most days is aim to wear good clothes, cook and eat good food, and try our best to think good thoughts. With that, we did a kind of Sunday dinner on a Tuesday, and broke bread with those we love. Every day things.
Every day dress, after an epic wedding push, trying to get back to it. xoxo
Love this!!! Thank you for letting us be a tiny part of your lives…xo
Thank you, love putting stuff out there that might inspire good things. 🙂
You make everything look so beautiful, even a simple dinner of salad, pasta and bread. I like your custom of using wineglasses for both wine and water. Just curious — why cans of Perrier instead of the familiar green glass bottles?
Haha,thank you! We we’re running around wild and crazy and the grocery was out of glass so cans it was! For the record, I drink tap, from anywhere at all. Husband and sons like the bubbly.
You look amazing! How do you stay so fit and healthy? I just turned 61 and have given up “Caesar” salad and pasta but it certainly looks great on you and yours! What is your exercise regime?
Thank you. Life long commitment to almost daily sweat, honest food, and almost daily wine. 🙂