We arrived back home late afternoon yesterday, and after giving my daughter Sarah a big hug and kiss and doing a quick run-though of the house, I immediately went to the garden, to weed. That really has little to do with what I’m writing about today, yet it’s a little telling. I was away for 41 days, probably the longest time I’ve been away from home ever.
I was in Boston MA with Caroline and Sean, living in our new little 650 square foot flat, the unit directly below their new three-bedroom townhouse. My time with them was unforgettable, three weeks there before she had her first baby, and three weeks after precious Peyton came into our world, heaven on earth.
Our routine was the same every day: coffee in the morning followed by a long walk followed by a hot breakfast. We would do some home keeping or on-line shopping for things the new place needed or things for the baby, and then we would have lunch. More household stuff, a nap for her, some reading and studying for me, and then I would make dinner. After that pretty much early to bed and then we would do the same thing all over again, day after day.

I cooked all of those meals, and if I counted correctly that would be about 141 combinations of things to eat. Each time we broke for bread I always tried to include vegetables and or fruits, and the more colorful the better, even at breakfast.
Not sure what it is yet I’m feeling the need for color in the clothes I’m wearing, too. While I’ll always be a neutral lover at heart, give me a good all black outfit any day of the week, maybe it’s the déjà vu feeling of walking in practically the same circles while wearing a face covering that’s making me want a break; I’ve got an apple red cotton skirt and an apple red cotton shirt in my online cart that’s calling me to hit submit. And, I’d wear those two together, apple red on top, apple red on bottom, wow.
Normally all that color on my body would hit me with a high dose of anxiety, I’d much prefer to be in blue jeans and a denim shirt and a black jacket, weeding in the garden.
Maybe we’ve all had too much of the sameness of day after day. I’m ready to break out, and since I still can’t really go anywhere, I guess I’ll break out with some riotous color. My quarantine bubble will probably appreciate me wearing something new, the grey cashmere joggers have seen a lot of days.
I’ll still have a whole lot of anxiety (what day is it?) while wearing all red, or all orange, but I’ll do it, and that’s why you’ll also find me in the garden, weeding. Of course, I’ll be wearing neutral gardening garb, but when I’m all cleaned up, I’m opting for some color.

Hoping you all have some good coping mechanisms for days upon days, maybe you too are spending some time in your garden and looking to wear some bright new glad rags.

You look FABULOUS in color! Be sure to post a photo of you in RED…glorious RED!
Hello, Nancy! Thank you, you too look fabulous in color!