A First Try

light blue pansies I brought in the car from Buffalo, mixed them in with lettuces, annuals, and herbs

Gardens, like most everything, are ever evolving. Lately I’ve been feeling most at peace when my hands are on the earth. 

I planted the pot with pansies and pussy willow branches, when it was a girl! I stuck in pink flowering branches for their arrival home

While in Boston MA I planted my daughter and son-in-law’s garden, it was a quick first try. We had arrived mid-April while it was still snowing, her due date was May 1st, and I wanted her to have a small little garden to celebrate her first Mother’s Day in. 

Caroline and Peyton in the garden, always love a Breton stripe

The blue pansies I brought with me from Buffalo, the rest of the plants I had delivered, or I bought them from a nursery in Watertown, that was my big outing for the week, and I went twice. 

the absolute before, husband hanging green mesh, blue pansies planted all in a row, I obviously dug up and replanted
this is late April, the space is 23 square feet

There’s construction going on next door to them, so my husband and I hung some green netting to block the view a bit, that netting was delivered as well. 

we hung planters from the ancient laundry line
how it evolved

I put in a mix of annuals, herbs, some climbing snap peas and a few perennials. It will undoubtedly need to be tended, the pansies will bolt, and the basil wasn’t looking good, all the more reason to make a return trip. 

There’s a year two plan all laid out to scale on graph paper with a small sand box penciled in. Trumpet vine, hydrangea, and Hosta too. They’ve been gifted a buddleia in celebration of Peyton’s birth, that will go in this year. 

table set, before the candles are lit, simple will do
arugula, sage, and snap peas growing up the chain link fence
some lobelia in the shade and some perennial daisies
table covering bought for the beach in St. Tropez, every day washed Italian linen napkins
last evening dinner for six in the garden and I baked a cake, decorated edible pansies, from the garden, of course
banana cake with cream cheese frosting, I’ve left nothing to waste during pandemic/quarantine

On our last evening we had their first garden setting dinner. It was small and intimate; we placed a borrowed card table next to their little white table and covered them both with a navy cloth they bought while in St. Tropez last year at this very same time. Our outdoor dinner marked so many things, a new baby, a new season, a first try at a new garden. All will be ever evolving, and peace will be found in that small sweet space. 

Every day dress, a first try.

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    • Thank you. It was an amazing time. xo

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