Exactly as I was feeling somewhat confident third week in with my super simple French conversations, boom, we packed up and flew to Spain. Super thankful sixth child is French fluent, and four of our other kids can speak Spanish. Me, not so much, and definitely felt challenged and my brain had to work overtime.
Three weeks in the south of France surrounded by all of our kids, pure heaven, husband and I would go back in a heartbeat.

While packing I threw in my one and only Chanel ready-to-wear piece, this dress I wore last summer for oldest daughter’s country-side wedding reception. Danced all night and put myself to bed, still wearing the dress. The next morning, I slipped it off, probably dropped it on the floor, and maybe the next day hung it on a hanger. There it hung, no steaming no cleaning until I just recently popped it in a large zip-lock bag and stuck it on the top layer of my case. Good clothes don’t need to be precious; I believe they are meant to be worn, loved, enjoyed.
Thinking I’ve got a pretty decent handle on French clothes and food, really need to spend some time concentrating on the language. Oldest son did some Spotify podcasts while driving before traveling, and he was spot on.

Rebecca, I just finished reading 6 of your posts! I’m all caught up! I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed your trip abroad! You write beautifully and the pictures are exquisite. Maxwell is an amazing photographer. I’m in the Hudson Valley with my family celebrating the 4th of July with our 4 kids and 9 grandkids! It’s not exactly the south of France…..just south of Albany! Keep up your great posts, they are inspiring. XO Paula
Paula, thank you! Thank you for your kind words and for reading and letting me know that what I’m doing here is useful. 🙂 I rebranded a bit and now these posts don’t link directly to facebook and my email distribution list got cut so I’m thinking I’ve been a little out of the loop. How fun to be with your kids and grandkids! Family time is the absolute BEST. Enjoy every blessed moment. Thanks again for reading, and Happy and safe 4th of July to you and yours. xoxo