After thirteen months of having nowhere to go or nothing to do except for my own self-made at home dinner parties (drove my husband mad) for family and a few pod friends and a few low-key at home trunk shows, my calendar is slowly, and steadily, beginning to fill.
I didn’t even keep a calendar since lockdown last March 10th, there was really no reason. One day rolled into the next, usually not even knowing what day of the week it really was. While mindful of all kinds of incredible loss, there really were some very beautiful non-moments.
Now that these upcoming days have more of a timestamp on them and that I might be expected to be somewhere, I took the plunge and bought myself a new agenda. A beautiful mid-year Agenda that started yesterday, Monday, May 10th, 2021, and runs through Sunday, August 7th, 2022. So very delighted that I also added the matching iPhone case to the cart, both in signature Smythson Nile Blue.

I’ve been using Smythson agendas for years now, and usually go for the Fashion option. Not this time, my calendar year is just now beginning, and I don’t think I’ll need eating, drinking, and shopping tips in the four fashion capitals of London, New York, Milan, and Paris just yet. Our recent road trip to Greenville SC for Elizabeth’s college graduation weekend was all the excitement I’m currently up for. Happy to know I’m covered until August 2022 with beautiful blue pages to fill. I’ve never more looked forward to opening this new book.
Every day dress, a new Mid-Year Agenda.

Love have a good calendar
I’m old school
I’m not one to put stuff in my phone
I like both!
Darling! Congratulations to Lizzy!! Miss you. LMK the type of agenda you got….it’s beautiful and I need a new one. xoxox
Thank you! It’s the Smythson Mid-Year. Here is the hyperlink: Smythson Agenda