While my first inclination was to name this post ‘home stylist’, couldn’t get myself to do it while I’m being extravagant in wake of the California wildfires. We’ve been dealing with house-wide flooding issues and some serious health stuff, yet nothing comes close to neighborhoods being leveled, lives being lost, children wearing face masks, and our hearts are with those in one of our favorite states.
You know we’re about good clothes and great food, and creating a lifestyle that speaks to luxury, whatever that may mean to each of us. One of our current favorite aspirational brands is Gucci, and their recent statement to me by email reads:
In solidarity with Gucci employees, clients, and friends in California, we are supporting the relief efforts in the local communities that have been affected by the devastating California wildfires.
Gucci has donated to the following organizations, and you can join us by making your pledge to the charity of your choice.
Los Angeles Fire Department Foundation
The Humane Society of the United States
United Way of Northern California
This is the heart of Gucci’s mission to bring positive change in order to secure our collective future.
Gucci, you moved me to give. Please know you’re in the lineup for some of my Christmas gift spending dollars, thank you.
We here at every day dress can’t move mountains or put out fires, we do want we can and always try to make small things better. Wardrobe, food, home, or set stylist, it’s kind of our thing.
Two college daughters and newlyweds arrive home tomorrow to celebrate Thanksgiving, and we just can’t wait to put our arms around them and be in their face.
In preparation I almost get manic, try to make things nice, and runaround securing supplies for both indoor and outdoor spaces. As a ‘set stylist’, current project is the 10 outdoor planters scattered about the city house. Thought long and hard and even pulled the trigger on pre-made and decorated grocery planters, and bought 10 yesterday morning while at market. Got them home, and while beautiful, they just weren’t giving me the look or feeling I was after. Back they went, all within an hour and 15 minutes.
Decided to YouTube outdoor planters, and with some new inspiration pulled out the iPhone and called around to local nurseries for fresh-cut greens, and in particular red twig dogwood branches. Found a source, thank you Elber’s, and off we went. An SUV full later, two planters in, and we’re on our way to a natural, pretty, and evergreen holiday look for the outside of our still standing home.
California, wishing you peace, calm, and recovery.
Every day dress, xoxo.
all photos iPhone / MacBook Pro went black / in for video card repair
Love this Rebecca, we top are So Blessed!!! Enjoy your family… blessings on you all❤️
Those holiday arrangements you created are beautiful. I love how refined they are. You have a great eye.
Thank you, love being creative and practicing new looks. 🙂
I look forward to your posts so much!
I wish you had time to do so more often, but I understand how days are fleeting – especially this time of year. You are inspiring in all ways 🙂
Thank you, sincerely. xox