The hula-hoop was not a prop. Tonight dear friend, husband, and child visited us all for dinner from Park City, Utah. This young woman came into our lives when she was sixteen years old and helped us through all kinds of times- needed out nights for two, endless bedtime stories and grocery trips, library outings, berry picking, and downhill skiing lessons. Here is her daughter, so beautiful. Tonight she announced her daughter would be a big sister in early 2013. Oh, how I love the circle of life.
We celebrated with a dinner of wild halibut, beef tenderloin, local green beans and corn, roasted organic cherry tomatoes, spinach salad, blueberry pie and chocolate chip cookies.
While cooking for eleven plus one I wore white 7 for all mankind straight leg jeans, Worth New York Optic White Leather Strap Tee, flat Christian Louboutin sandals, and, an apron, of course, until it all came out of the oven at the same time. ha ha. Celebrate life. xoxo
Small clothing detail note: after months of skinnies the extra ease from the straight leg on these jeans feels fresh. Hemmed them myself. To reduce bulk and shadows in light colored pants have your tailor remove the extra length from the front pockets. Gives you a cleaner and more polished look.
What a fabulous blog! I just love it! A great collection of thoughtful insights on family, food, fitness, fashion, and life. Beckie, you are amazing for how you pull so much together, and so tastefully well. You inspire me! I am honored to have been included in a post. And I can verify that it was indeed a delightful night with delicious food, and even better company. No one beats Beckie’s pies!!
Kary, so good to see you. You are in inspiration to me as well. LOVE the ‘sustainable’ thought- you should blog too!