three years yesterday


Three year’s yesterday with a camera and a laptop launched every day dress as a way to share ideas, trends, and good things around family, fashion, and food.

Thank you dear readers: we have 118 email subscribers, 225 Facebook likes, 144,350 site views, and average 250+ visits per day.

We’re not going for a kingdom here, youngest daughter and I talk about the value of 4 quarters or 100 pennies, and if we can reach out, touch, connect, or inspire even in a small way, our work is significant.

If you like where we’re at, thanks for stopping by. We love your comments and feedback the most, definitely one of our goals here is to share the love back more.

Every day dress, three years yesterday, thanks all. xoxo


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  1. One of my favorite reads that pops into my inbox. Congratulations on your milestone!

    • Thanks so much! Wishing you a great weekend…

  2. Congrats Beckie!! I’ve enjoyed your blog!!
    Learned a lot !

    • Thank you, Jane, I enjoy YOU. xo

  3. I have loved reading everdaydress! You are clever, innovative and yes …. Very stylish! Thank you for sharing !

    • Thank you, you’ve been there since the beginning, many thanks.

  4. Congratualtions on 3 wonderful years informing and inspiring your followers! OX

  5. Congratulations! A post from everyday dress is like a little gift in my inbox. Keep up the good work -encouraging readers to get the most out of life and family.

    • Thank you, love and appreciate your feedback. Happy Monday!

  6. Congratulations, Rebecca! Your blog is a part of my day that brings me pure joy!

    • Thank you Sheila, it’s a bit therapeutic for me too so I guess it’s a win win :). Thanks for reading, and I know I need to get better at the Facebook thing.

  7. Congratulations on three years, I rememeber you saying you didn’t really know what you were doing but you were giving it a try – inspiration for all of us to try something new! Alice

    • Thank you, you inspire me too! Board work, not usually my thing, you make it look easy, and I know it’s not. 🙂

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