When dinner in the country for ten turns into dinner for twenty plus, go with it. Nothing better than serving our country’s future home cooked food.
Have on hand an extra-long picnic table plus one, always have room for extra, half a dozen machine washable table cloths and to be certain at least three dozen cloth napkins. Stacks of flatware, plates, canning jars for fresh-cut whatever, and plenty of glassware goes without saying.
A little busy and hectic up front, it’s fun to cook and serve home made-mac and cheese, pasta broccoli, green beans, roasted potatoes, tossed green salad, rib eye, tenderloin, chicken, chocolate chip cookies, fudge marble cake and ice cream? When you have generations for Memorial Day weekend or even any day in particular, go for it, put out the dog even in the most casual way, and watch your dinner guests enjoy themselves and the company of all those around them. So worth it.
Every day dress wishes everyone out there the confidence to cook home cooked food for dozens, to extend an extra invitation when not always certain, and to go for it in general.
Ten plus ten. Cook it and they will come.
Happy Memorial Day all family and friends.
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