a bit of fit


Your day adds up. Whether you do yoga poses when you can or walk into town to fetch The New York Times because you’re away for the weekend, if you’re on the move it all adds up.

Husband bought this fitbit thing when we were at the mall with our two Costa Rica exchange students. Not really being a mall girl but not wanting to feel left out, bought one too.

He keeps track of his activity, food, and sleep, I kind of just let it happen. A bit of fit is a very good thing. Walking the dogs, skiing with two youngest daughters, washing the windows, doing the laundry, fitbit keeps track. Love when the wrist band vibrates and tells you you’ve done 10,000 steps. Bonus when you’re the overachiever, haha, and the thing registers 20,000 steps.

Whatever, stay active. Movement of any kind is a very good thing.

Every day dress staying active in Ellicottville NY for the weekend. Love your body.

Fitbit| Measures Steps, Cals, Sleep


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