food porn

bolognese is always satisfying

This one’s for you Christen: we’ve been working our butt off in the studio with all kinds of gorgeous clothing looks while dressing all kinds of beautiful women, yet also trying to keep the home fire burning with some good old food porn. 🙂

love these autumnal hydrangea from the country house


Honestly we’ve had lots of asks, and we try and deliver. Here we go: oldest daughter from NYC and third daughter from South Carolina home for a hot second so we cooked up a quick thankful dinner.

cauliflower rice, roasted butternut squash, caesar salad with garlic croutons, moving very slowly to a bit more plant based diet

slightly wilted from a few days ago garden herbs acting as centerpiece

what our working kitchen really looks like 

Roasting any kind of vegetable is one of our favorite techniques and works for adding flavor to breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Quick, easy, spontaneous and full of flavor, that’s how we roll.

Food porn, not our favorite subject line, yet definitely our thing.

Yay, we prep and cook with a very sharp knife and often in nothing at all but a sweatshirt and an apron or some beautiful bodysuit from our friends at Lace & Day. Seen here are a few real life kitchen happenings from the last week or so.

Every day dress, wear some good clothes and cook some good food.


velvet, trending?

Have had a love affair with velvet for as long as we can remember; velvet when little, velvet for high school holiday stuff, velvet for Christmas time with a young man who is now husband for thirty-plus years, velvet for my littles when they were little, and now velvet: again and forever, at fifty-something, and probably forever.

They say velvet is trending, hey, we wore that fabric at younger sister’s wedding in Tuscany a decade and a half ago.

Now, we love it on our feet, and on our body, and basically all around.

Met our second daughter for fancy cocktail event and she was wearing: black velvet off-shoulder top and black denim, of course.

professional image / Worth New York 

With recent (and ongoing) closet edit we good-willed a bunch, and now covet a longer wrap jacket, and some easy wide-legged pants. Probably won’t wear them with the velvet Gucci boots, those can stand alone with last season and before closet add-ins. We’ll wear the new stuff with some down low Birkenstocks, or perhaps a fancy sneaker, and almost always with a good knit.

Which leads us to next favorite textile, cashmere. V-neck cashmere sweater, closet classic. When the stars are aligned we have a good-looking good-feeling cashmere v-neck in wardrobe rotation.

Every day dress and velvet is trending, forever. Pull out your velvet or add a little new, now’s the time. xoxo


falling for fall

Finally, in love with the idea of fall; the cooler temps, the farmers market, the fall wardrobe.

We’re heading into trunk show mode, so we’ll be dressing women in all Worth New York‘s best this coming Friday, October 20th through Thursday, October 26th, and then again in W by Worth, Friday, November 3rd through Thursday, November 9th.

In the meantime, it’s all about long walks, plaid shirts, hot coffee, cooking up a storm, and dresses with ankle boots.

Wishing everyone beautiful fall days, and nights. Every day dress, and falling madly for fall. xoxo

new place in town

With a half-dozen young adult kids or so they keep you in the loop of latest happenings: Rowhouse Bakery & Restaurant, you’re the new place in town, and you’ve totally got it going on. Thank you Maxwell and Ethan for getting us out tonight.

Loved being at the soft opening, and more than that looking forward to returning this Friday after another Buffalo city love thing, wine tasting at City Wine Merchant.

Sensual sensory stimulation from the wood-fired crispy thin crust pizza to the varied and detailed ceiling treatments throughout. We’ve been into good, soulful food of late, and you all delivered. Broke out the new velvet Gucci boots for a first-time run, happy, style post about those beauties coming soon.

Every day dress, new place in town, thank you all at Rowhouse Bakery & Restaurant. xoxo

photos |

home, alone

simple sliced mushrooms for breakfast and lunch, when home, alone

We’ve been here, there, and everywhere; really wanting to be home, alone.

Last weekend RI and VT, weekend before NYC, and all that goes with that.

This past weekend small little ski town in upstate, Ellicottville, and still here, after all is gone, love being home, alone.

city garden, early fall

carb loading, for sure, and copper pot needs some polish

Before leaving for the ski house by auto we negotiated a little stay in the city time, to bake, and do a little weekend prep, divine. Kitchen in the city works, and we know once we touch down anywhere there are humans to feed. 🙂

steak, bloody’s, asparagus and overcooked eggs, for six or so

Recognizing that learning how to cook, and perhaps cook well, is one of life’s greatest pleasures. Even better is when you share with others, simply need a little solo recharge at times.

husbands’ flannel and boxers, kitchen in EVL

No complaints, ever. Simply loving the down-time.

Every day dress. Home, alone; or with one or a few that you really love.

Godspeed to all in Santa Rosa, Napa, Sonoma, and beyond….


base layer

Can’t control much, yet underneath it all we can choose what we wear for our base layer. Even when its denim and the husbands shirt, underneath it all it’s every day dress, and a good base layer, to help us keep our cool.

We absolutely love Lace & Day, and how they make the ordinary, extraordinary. Dressing is a thing, and starting with the good stuff sets the tone. Everyone needs a base layer, and we’re all about making nice.

Now, until Saturday, October 7th, enjoy savings of 15% by celebrating their Second Anniversary Celebration. Tuesday – Saturday 10am  – 6pm. Visit for information about parking behind the store.

Every day dress, let’s all make our base layer a good one. xoxo

it’s a slow roll

Yay, yay, more iPhone pics, I know. Fourth daughter tells me I need to step up my game, and actually looked at some classes for photography and Photoshop, yikes. Now that cooking is over it might be nice to learn how to digitally erase extra chin, and perhaps other spots, haha.

Anyways, it’s a slow roll towards change, and change we are feeling. We’re loving biking around more for small grocery trips and errands.

Thank you, Booie, for the beautiful white flowers, and noticing the ever-changing rhythm of time. Twenty-something or fifty-something and beyond, let’s all keep the faith.

Every day dress, it’s a slow roll. xoxo

mindful luxury

Our world out there is not slowing down, and like most women we’ve been here, there, and everywhere, and packing up yet again in about 36 hours.

Yeah, of course we have a thing for luxury goods, yet also thinking much more about being mindful.

For all travels lately we’ve relied on carry on Louis Vuitton roller, beloved Celine tote, and small cross-body bag that gets tucked inside tote. Louis roller’s been around longer than a decade, and the tote and bag are here forever and all three will definitely get passed down to one of four daughters. White blouse and denim, wardrobe staples.

Of course there’s always a scarf in there too. When traveling whether it’s three weeks long-haul or three days by auto we limit ourselves to a carry-on and a tote, that’s it. So much easier when dealing with less.

Every day dress, now working more towards mindful luxury.

photos shot on iPhone | Porto train station


Never mind we asked for, and granted, two thirty-day extensions (thank you, Rouxbe) for professional cook certification, we’re finally #graduated. Eighteenth out of a class of 60+, and a grade of 95%. Second daughter said I underestimated: oh, well; finished, and checked off the list. All good things take time, and usually more time than planned for, or expected.

spatchcock your chicken for even grilling results

hold your potato puree over a Bain Marie

Lifelong learning, we’re a fan. A few simple notes, that kind of tie in with what we do professionally, sell luxury clothing and dress beautiful women.

  • search out the absolute best ingredients, whatever that may be, a black v-neck cashmere sweater, classic white blouse, happy hen organic eggs, the very best carrots, celery, and onions.
  • pay careful attention to the set-up, making sure everything is fresh, sourced well, measured, and in tune with the present season.
  • use, (or wear), everything until it’s done, finished, and worn out.

late summer grilled chicken, potato puree, and tomato salad

We’re working on reducing food waste, and clothing waste, and loving good, enduring style.

ps. all best practices tell us to get on a regular, scheduled posting schedule, yikes, is life really like that

september, perhaps a summer month

Last night, celebrated thirty years of marriage, with family dinner at home cooked by second daughter, Booie. Chrissy Teigan fish tacos, and Mexican street corn, all delicious, woot woot.

Submitted last six assignments for professional cook certification, completed 4 hour final exam, waiting upon final assessment. Double woot woot.

Listened to a webinar today on building better blog traffic, and main takeaway: publish daily, yikes, to stay top of mind. Oh, and top SEO posts are at least 1,500 words, woah. Would you guys read all that?

Are we all about top of mind? And SEO? Hmm…

Anyways, it’s 79 degrees on a late September evening in BUF. Headed to NYC first thing tomorrow and it’s looking like 80 degrees for two days straight.

Thinking all clothing is multi-season now. What we wear every day needs to work every day.

Every day dress, September, perhaps a summer month.