dare to dream

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Writing this blog post while watching the best of the best compete in Sochi and oldest daughter, age twenty-three, is flying to London to train and inspire her work colleagues.

So proud of you, Linnie. Day after day you give it your best. Sure, there’s been ups and downs and plenty of bumps, but look at you, you’re flying to London, for your work, and going to train other young people, dare to dream.

And, Booie, you too, so proud. You went to Spain for a semester, knowing not a soul, and came back grown up. Not all grown up, let’s not ever stop growing women, dare to dream.

Being the mom of four daughters and two sons with beautiful and accomplished women in their lives and having the pleasure of working with women for much of my adult life, here is my message on this cold, dark, February night: dare to dream. Every day, and most importantly,  the small dreams. The small ones add up.

Olympic athletes, you go. Women everywhere, you go too.

Every day dress. xoxo

photos here taken September 2013 | en route to Seville Spain

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