Dear friends,
We’re in a bit of transition: went abroad, blog crashed. Ditched the trainer (he was great yet it’s not the look I’m going for), and the housekeeping (how hard is it to vacuum?), wicked head cold set in and worked a full tilt fall winter 16 trunk. And the election?….
The major thing going on (haha) is that we’re in edit mode: every decade or so it’s good to do a wardrobe cleanse. We’ve driven car loads to the Goodwill, we’re just really into a pared down wardrobe. We want our clothes to look great, feel great, be great, and if they don’t measure up out they go. White shirts and blue denim, lifetime keepers.
We’ve dressed women professionally 16 years, dressing daughters for 26 years, time for a little time out and wardrobe reassess. We’ve got three living it home, aged 23, 17, and 16, and they’ve even been involved in the great closet clean out.
We’re studying trends and taking note of what works exceptionally well, stay tuned.
picked up some Gucci ghost, might be for the men yet we like it
Blog posts have been few, the work has been real. We’ll get back to being social real soon.
I ditched my trainer, too. Turning 50 in a couple weeks and big muscles are not my thing at this point. I love the lipstick shade you’re wearing in this post. What is it? Thx!
Hey, Jen. It’s a Dior shade, I’ll have to look and get back to you, we’re even cleaning out the makeup stash and that one’s a keeper. Stay tuned.
Would love to talk more about your workout, so vital to move…