My youngest daughter recently started her first post-college job in the Boston Design Center for a world-renowned home textiles company, Pierre Frey. In a text message exchange, she told me, ‘Mom, all the designers carry the L.L. Bean Boat Tote.’
I’ve been a fan of the boat tote for decades, and when assigned the welcome bag detail from Lindsey and Ethan during their wedding planning, I accepted, thinking the L.L. Bean Boat Tote would make the perfect catchall for anything I might want to include.
If truth be told, I never knew that the welcome bag for out-of-town guests at a destination wedding was a thing. While planning Caroline and Sean’s wedding, I never gave it a second thought, consumed with all other aspects of putting together a fete for 210+ guests at our then much-neglected country house. That house got a stellar upgrade simply by deciding to have the party there.
Patti, Sean’s mom, Caroline’s mother-in-law, and now a dear friend of our family took the reins on the welcome bag, and I never gave it a second thought. It was divine.

As for the Rizzo Collins welcome bag, I had to dig deep. I hemmed and hawed about ordering the boat tote; other options were available at much less of a cash outlay. As usual, and it can get me into trouble, I decided to go big or go home. I contacted the L.L. Bean Business Gift department and asked for a quantity discount, and they graciously obliged. Soon on our doorstep were 70+ White and Blue size Small Open-Top Boat and Totes.

To fill those beauties, I started baking in earnest, stockpiling Giant Crinkled Chocolate Chip Cookies, and ordering cases of potato chips, Tylenol, Coca-Cola, toothbrushes, toothpaste, and Liquid I.V.. Locally, my husband and I bought cases of wine, corkscrews, and grapefruits, all good things to add to the haul.

Lindsey helped me fill them, and we used colored tissue and hand-written tags to personalize them. It was a tag-team delivery effort (with a few hitches! Sorry if you are reading and we did not get your bag delivered to your hotel), yet the bags were a hit. They make a lovely keepsake, never go out of style, and are an ideal size for a quick market run. And if you are an aspirational designer, they also look great and can say to the world, ‘I belong here too.’

Did the totes for Lauren’s wedding
And personalized wedding cookies
Love this !!
Hello, Tracy! Thank you for reading. I’m sure it was fun planning all the details for Lauren’s wedding, such good memories! Thank you for reading.