Last twenty-four hours have been something special. Labor Day picnic at Clarksburg Club and return home to find moon rising over back deck. Amateur photography efforts can’t even begin to do it justice but here goes anyways. This morning awoke to dogs barking, isn’t that the way, and absolutely gorgeous sunrise, photo here.
Road-trip to Ellicottville, picturesque ski town. If you are anywhere near upstate New York, Ellicottville is a place to be when the snow falls. Visit www.ellicottvilleny.com. Can’t believe I am posting about a ski town in early September but that’s just how fast life goes. Husband outfitted me, second youngest daughter, and himself in new skis in anticipation of the season ahead. Good idea to plan ski gear and wardrobes ahead of time.
Drove home, opened a bottle of chardonnay, and swam in the pool with two youngest daughters until the sun went down. Sweet summertime.
Tomorrow, Tuesday, work meetings start at 11 am and back to school on Wednesday. Savor every last minute.
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