After nearly three months of enjoying every two-week gel manicure I’m giving it a rest now. Loved the durability, I could really knock those things around, and I always felt dressed in polished nails. Like the holidays, they’ve come and gone. I’ll be going DIY for a while, hello chips. One of my favorite brands for a polished natural nail is Dior, the brush is divine, and the bristles are trimmed into a kind of u-ship giving you really good coverage. Last summer this brown was my go-to, and the turquoise was good too. The spring 2020 colors look fun.
Everything is down (six trees!) except the front door garland and some outside lights. The temperature is dropping, and we finally have some seasonal snow and I’m just not keen about getting up on a ladder anytime soon so perhaps they’ll stay around for a little. We invested in some novelty new ornaments this year so yesterday morning I ordered four ornament storage boxes on Amazon, it’s scary how easy it is to order and how fast gets stuff to me.

On New Year’s Eve Day, I moved out of my downtown office space, it took 7 full trips using 2 SUV’s and a pick-up trunk to get our stuff out of there, crazy how much you can accumulate for a small business in five and a half years. Michelle and I will again be working out of my dining room, super excited for a new Spring 2020 season. We’ll be showing a brand-new collection Thursday, January 30th through Tuesday, February 11th. I’ve already pre-ordered two looks, one pink pant-suit, one light blue dress because BIG news: oldest daughter and son-in-law expecting their first child May 2020!

We’ve had a good amount of house company and the two youngest are still home from college winter break; life is messy and fun, and I can’t seem to get out of the kitchen. Golden Globe comment: loved how they served a completely plant-based menu, thinking it’s a thing now. Although my butternut squash risotto came out just okay the other night, I recommend never doubling the recipe. I was in a hurry and I know better. I misgauged how much stock and wine the double batch would soak up. Next time, risotto for 2-4, not 6-8. Every day dress, nail time and more.

Pink & blue xo – OD
why are you up at 2:18 am? you have the flu! go back to bed and get some rest. xooxooxoxox
Try Essie Gel Couture ( sold at Target, CVS, etc…) if you are doing your own nails. It lasted about a week before any chipping and looks like a salon did it!
Great tip, thank you!