When you love great food and good clothes, or good food and great clothes, replenish is the word.
As we’re about the every day here usually at home we’re at the market like that, every day. As for the wardrobe, our go-to basics like white denim and a comfortable, soft black turtleneck, those too need to be restocked. We like to do them both once or twice or maybe even three times a year as they are basics, worn over and over, kind of like coffee and half and half first thing in the morning.
We’re traveling, and picked up the denim, sweater, and Birkenstocks which eighteen year old daughter kind of dislikes, yet we’re all about them, especially that they are black, and suede.
First three photos from the iPhone, last one from the digital camera. Need to stock the home bar on the kitchen counter kind of like that. 🙂
Every day dress, replenish. xoxo
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