iPhone photo | 7:43 am | Buffalo NY
Husband dropped fifteen year old sixth child at school this morning where she hopped a bus to Toronto Canada to then travel to Prague, Budapest, and Vienna. Husband and I, with fifth child, flew late this afternoon to Tampa FL. Sixth child was texting her sister, said fifth child that was with us, that one student dropped out and it was her ticket that was inadvertently cancelled, wow. So, her 46 classmates departed, and she and her chemistry teacher were left to book another airline, cool. She kept her chill on, and texted that she hoped that Air Canada would have a burger, fries, and a shake, haha.
iPhone photo | | 9:04 pm | Ruskin Bahia Beach FL
We all put our phones on airplane mode once on Southwest, and put our faith in all good things. She’s flying through the night to countries I would be hard pressed to pinpoint on a map, and we’re here in a small town cooking steaks and tossing green things.
Peanut, so proud of you, breathe it all in. Travel opens your mind and soul. Bumps in your itinerary will help you figure out the undoubted upcoming bumps in life. Way to roll with it. Love you to the moon and Prague and everywhere in between and back. Really hope you got that burger. xoxo
Every day dress, always gotta roll with it.
1 Comment
So proud of you Mimi! When you get to your destination – enjoy!