For the past twenty months, small food stores have been my go-to. Cooking at home has become chiefly a triple-daily play. Even when traveling, I pack road lunches and flight food.

Recently we were in Charleston, SC, and I happened upon a great little market. Upon checkout, the shopkeeper and I struck up a conversation. I told him I loved the exquisite selection of goods in his intimate space, and he replied that they had everything necessary for breakfast, lunch, or dinner; it was just that you had to prepare it. That thought has stuck with me.
Small shops help me refine ‘what’s for dinner?’. No longer do I love rambling through an overabundance of choice (so much anxiety!), preferring instead to cook close.

The other night after a dinner of Lentil Soup (the stock made with the carcass of the very best turkey we have ever had) and a Green Salad with buttered toast, I started to reread Alice Waters The Art of Simple Food. I found it just where I want to be this season, at the table and cooking from scratch.

Every day dress, small food stores.

A few of my favorites beyond my ultimate favorites of roadside stands and farmers markets:
K & 8th Street Market, South Boston MA
So funny you mentioned that cook book, I too have loved it and given it to many of my favorite people. I know it made me a better cook…!
It’s one of my favorites, and I love revisiting it from time to time. Cookbook reading is a favorite past-time over here. Thinking I too may have to gift a few volumes of this one this season! Thanks for reading.
Yummy. I love food and your posts
I love food too, thanks for reading. Wishing you and your family a wonderful holiday season.