Last week Friday every day dress checked out of the Phoenician and left one of the best national sales meetings ever. Over 500 women were in attendance to learn more about best practices and view beautiful product. One of the words used at a breakout session was grit.
Since that time we have traveled all over the state of AZ and grit has been constantly on the mind. Grit as in small, loose particles of stone or sand which has basically dictated footwear choice, this is a fashion site, and grit as in courage and resolve, strength of character, the lifestyle piece.
Have to say that closed toe low boots have been the go to choice all week whether riding, hiking or sightseeing. They are really the best to deal with the beautiful, natural grit.
Now for the courage and resolve part: know I bring grit to life, wouldn’t be here blogging and seeking to inspire other women to live and dress with intent. Know I bring grit to family, would do absolutely anything for those I love.
Grit to the professional piece? Do I truly bring it? Know there is more. Here’s to bringing on true grit. With balance, of course.
Wishing all women courage and resolve.
You are all so inspireing, You are the essence of GRIT!!!! Love this piece.
It’s okay by me if you find this funny.