I could feel them at about ten weeks, everyone would say that’s crazy, maybe. Wanted those kids like there was no tomorrow.
Today they are thirty, Baby A and Baby B. Was convinced I was having two boys and brought all blue to the hospital that day my water broke. Whisked directly into the OR Maxwell came without really a pause, and then I thought I could have a rest. Everything I read had told me you could take a breath between delivering twins, not this time, doctor said ‘she’s in trouble’ and I knew at that moment she was a girl and I had to get her out, there was nothing else that mattered in the world.
He was a 10, she a 4. He kind of looked around and took it all in, at ease in the world. She was transverse, needed forceps, massage, and oxygen. A little strong fighter, she took all the help and settled herself. They’re kind of still the same, he’s relaxed, and chill, and she’s steadfastly checking all the boxes.
We had planned on all being in Boston to celebrate this third decade, and now like most everyone we’re spread out everywhere, wishing for birthday peace and good health.
He’s quarantined with eight of those that love him, she’s thirty-six weeks with child and at home with her husband.

Bill and I will raise a glass to them this evening, happy trinity birthday dear Maxwell and Caroline, and to all those that help protect and facilitate life, from the depths of our hearts, thank you.
All photos by Maxwell Collins, Eygalieres France, May 2019
Beautiful post and incredible pictures. Sending love to the birthday boy and girl as well as all of the Collins.
Thank you dear Cynthia. Xoxo