For Friday night dinner out visiting new friends in their beautiful new home, chose white on white. After a busy week with work, family, life, couldn’t really think about what to wear so did the single color default, like wearing all black, but this time settled on white on white.
The monochromatic look on the body settled the rather erratic happenings in the mind. Honestly, after a full week the simple clothes that were put on for Friday night dinner out helped to calm me down and to enjoy the entire evening: arriving at a new place, being greeted by lovely new friends, enjoying a glass of Chardonnay in their living room while listening to elegant and easy music, helping a very small bit in the kitchen, and then moving to the dining room for an absolutely divine dinner of short ribs, pureed parsnips, sautéed mushrooms, and simple salad. The wines, two cab francs, amazing. The desert, chocolate lava cake, creme fraiche, fresh raspberries, all with a small glass of decadent port, rounded out the entire meal indeed.
Barbara, you spoiled us well and we are grateful and appreciative guests. Bill, thank you for pouring and sharing some pretty amazing wines from your cellar. It was a memorable evening, we value our new friendship, and look forward to more shared meals and good times ahead.
So, heartbeat of this little blog, every day dress, put on your nice clothes, make some dinner, light some candles, enjoy a glass of wine, life is very good. Thank you Barbara and Bill.
I was wearing a truly old I am guessing ten years white linen shirt, last season’s 7 for all mankind white jeans, still look pretty fresh, again probably ten years old Hermes reversible belt, and very new, Thursday nights purchase which requires a post all of its’ own, vintage brooch necklace designed and handmade by friend Lori Stevenson.
Every day dress. Your clothes don’t need to be brand new all the time, simply put on and wear your good stuff even if it’s a decade old. Some things look and feel better over time.
Good food and good wine are made even better when enjoyed with good friends. So glad that you and Bill had as nice a time as we did! xo
Just as chic as black on black.
Thank you for your comment. Yes, I agree, single color dressing is chic (and easy). Would love to hear more from my readers out there. Thanks again, have a great night. R