Party Outdoors

sometimes you just have to do your best and take it all outdoors

It’s feeling frenetic again, and I want to party outdoors. Invite my family, invite friends like family, and drink it all in, this beautiful world. When anxiety creeps in, I remind those I love (and myself) to feel the beauty all around us.

steaks ready for the grill, pears from husbands fruit orchard, corn bread muffins, and roasted red pepper hummus
very simple self serve bar with wildflowers, tap water in jugs, and Pinot Noir
dinner buffet in waiting, seafood en route
baby in basket, look close left, and don’t drink and drive
no manicure, no worries, all about the food
coming up on 34 years together, he gets me
those pretty blue water glasses? Picked them up at the dollar store!
as precious as it gets….

Sure, it takes effort to make good things happen, and that’s okay, because really, what else is there?

Every day dress, party outdoors.

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