The post below we wrote days ago and never hit submit, it was one of those things. Longest winter I ever recall, except perhaps for blizzard of ’77, and then I was eleven, and ate frozen donuts for days on end. This time around we stayed in, and moped, and cooked.
Finally feeling like we’re getting back in the mix, it hit 72 degrees here today, and we put on a skirt. A navy tweed skirt and a brighter blue v-neck sweater, and some silver shoes. We like things easy, and this was easy.
Yesterday we went for a country drive, wedding planning and site visit, and did some chick pea quesadillas for dinner, that was easy too.
chick pea quesadilla with greens
scratch red pepper pappardelle with spinach and tomatoes on warmed plates
laminated scratch pasta, why not?
denim shirt, denim apron, un-ironed linen napkin, honest food
one lone pizza with pepperoni, women in the family moving towards plant-based meals
Even though we have sunshine the dogs don’t even really want to go out, it’s been so wickedly unspring like. We’re simply tucking in, and doing things like scratch red pepper pasta, and scratch pizza dough; come on fair weather we’ve got a wedding to shape up for, carb loading be over.
youngest of six at Providence College
While on the road the weekend before we toured Providence College, it was cold and windy there too. We spontaneously caught up with Steve Martin and Martin Short, they were spectacularly funny, and we’re still laughing.
hydrangea and eucalyptus, one on the left kind of checked out
Sorry for rambling unorganized post, simply working on getting back in the mix.
Great post. Starting my day with a smile on my face after reading it. Especially the ‘kind of check out’ hydrangea! xoxo
Thank you, haha. So sorry for late reply, I’ve kind of checked out too for a little. 🙂 xoxox