Sarah opens up about not feeling well and her recent diagnosis.
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make sure you have something to wrap yourself in
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our man for always
Continue readingHow to have a good House Party
we love entertaining at home, and it always seems to land in the kitchen
Continue readingLondon Clothes
Two youngest daughters and I in London for Thanksgiving.
Continue readingHappy New Year

This morning I sit in the quiet of a very full house. Thankful and grateful for my husband, my family, and all those I hold close. The promise of a new decade feels fresh, and exciting. I’m drinking coffee, and soon I’ll walk our dogs, daily habits.
Thank you for coming along on this life journey with me, here is a place I hope to be more. Writing and photographing and sharing feels good and helps me record this wonderful ride. Not always easy, and that’s okay.

I’m not one for resolutions, I prefer routine, and adding in good to crowd out the not so good. Here’s to a wonderful day, a wonderful year, a wonderful world.
Best wishes to all for 2020.

Fitness Goals 2020

Okay, so this morning I watched the ad, the 30-second holiday Peloton spot that’s caused a stir. Yeah, it’s a little idealized yet I’m okay with that. I get that it’s a white wealthy couple probably living in a white wealthy suburb and that the bike costs about $2,500+ and that that’s all kind of outrageous and unfair and yet that’s me in that ad thirty-one years ago.
Thirty-one years ago, husband gifted me a stationary bike for Christmas, we had just had our first son and exercise was one of our daily habits. In fact, we met at a gym, I was a trainer before trainers were a thing and he was a client (I was nineteen and he was twenty-nine and that was outrageous) and that’s how our story started.
So, for Christmas he gave me a bike, and I loved it. It meant I could ride without going anywhere while staying close to our son. I used that thing as much as I could and I’m convinced it made me a better parent, a better partner, a better person.
Over the last three decades our fitness routines have ebbed and flowed, much like our respective body weights (personally peaked at 177, pregnant with twins), sometimes up, sometimes down, and that’s okay. What has stayed consistent is our commitment to move our bodies, and I always tell my daughters when they are struggling with anything at all to move their body, to go for a walk, to get a workout, whatever the struggle it always feels better when you can walk or work it out.

This Christmas, he gifted the Peloton, I’m thrilled. Two rides in and thinking of joining their 2020 Challenge. I’ll still walk, firm believer in 10,000 steps a day, and I’ll still hit the gym and the pool. It just makes me feel better, think better, do better.
For 2020 I’ve got some fitness goals. Yes, they involve weight loss and yes, I know that can be touchy. Numbers are a unit of measurement so I’m going with it.
If I could I’d gift everyone the desire to move, and if I really could I’d gift everyone a Peloton. Wishing everyone health, fitness, and happiness in the new decade.

Cooking Constantly

I tried to hijack Christmas Eve this year and was steadfastly diverted. Called the club a few weeks ago and made a 6:30 pm dinner reservation for twelve and told the oldest daughter in Boston on the down low. She was all for it, we thought it would be fun to get out for a little and be fancy.

Once the news started flowing through the ranks I was hit with heavy push-back. Our tradition has been a casual king crab leg kind of thing with lots of clarified hot butter, and the boys wanted in. In our world what the boys want the boys get, and funny, we usually do to. Thinking that when you give and give and give it comes back, maybe not in the way you anticipate but good things always seem to return when you put yourself out there and do things for others.
And honestly, I kind of feel weird about being out and being served on a sacred holiday such as Christmas or Easter or even Mother’s Day, I always think the staff should be home with their loved ones, so in truth I was okay with keeping with our usual and staying in.
It did mean I was busy from dawn to dawn, really only stopping for a workout and sleep, two things that are must-dos. I’m also now surrounded by adult off-spring, and they all pitched in to make magic happen.

For the food I put together a simple cheese tray garnished with figs and local Amish honey. Shrimp cocktail and gifted salted cashews from the new son-in-law’s parents, all served in the living room with kids on the floor and piled all around, it was divine. We did buffet style for dinner, a platter of those legs, asparagus risotto with truffle oil, sliced beef tenderloin with horseradish cream sauce and garnished with small roasted tomatoes still on the vine. Desert was Baked Alaska; it really didn’t freeze fully and kind of fell on the plate, yet it was delicious all the same.

At the table we played games and then moved into the living again for more games and the ubiquitous opening of all matching PJ’s and the reading of The Night Before Christmas by oldest son, simply magical.

Constant cooking and moving and doing is okay by me, I’m blessed by family and a husband that supports all my crazy activity, financially, emotionally, and physically, he truly is a modern day St Nick.

We’ve had a constant flow of humans in and out and at our table, and I truly couldn’t be happier. We’re all moving towards a new year and a new decade and I’ll continue to put out food and love from our kitchen. I guess if I had one message from all of this, I would encourage anyone to cook from the heart, and serve those they love. My heart is full, and my hands are raw, and that’s all good and okay.

With love and JOY, every day dress.

It’s Go Time

A week ago or two (who really knows what day it is?) dear friend and I hosted a small sit-down three course dinner for sixteen, eighteen including us. We did all the planning, shopping, cooking, baking, and brought in the top guns for serving. I’m really sorry I don’t have photos of the chocolate mousse cake with raspberry coulis and whipped cream, it was divine. The night was beautiful, and we celebrated beautiful women.

My friend and I always feel most comfortable behind the scenes at a party, you can usually always find us in the kitchen. This go round we thoroughly enjoyed the process of creating a special meal for neighborhood friends to celebrate the holiday season. It was a labor of good will and love, and we had an unbelievably good time working and learning together, those raviolis were not the easiest.
Now it’s full tilt go time. I’m currently in the kitchen again getting Christmas Eve dinner together for twelve, Christmas morning brunch, and doing a special Beef Bourguignon for tomorrow evening for ten. Wishing you all many festive warm meals with those you love.
Merry Christmas.


Fifth of six, studying abroad, and no way could leave this one alone. Peanut and I hopped the pond to celebrate. Must say I was a little melancholy this morning missing the rest of the crew, booked some hot yoga early am to take the edge off. We’ve been on and off the tube, doing all things London, grateful.
Grateful for every single human in my orbit. Love my family to the end of all days.