not giving up

When you put yourself out there you can get knocked around a little, whatever, we’re not giving up.

A couple of style notes:

  • bought this lace top with oldest daughter early December while in NYC. Never even looked at the label, simply liked the piece. Young, chic client came in last week and was showing me pictures of a few things she recently picked up, all by London label self-portrait. At home, checked my blouse, self-portrait. Wore it for the first time last night, felt fun and stylish, even with the ubiquitous denim. Kind of really loving their fresh, feminine vibe. Young daughters were like, ‘mom, yeah, self-portrait, they’re on SHOPBOP‘. Thinking I need to leave campus more often. 🙂
  • about that denim, can’t shake it off. While driving kids around all day thought why change what works? For now, it’s denim.
  • still love and wear all suede Aquazzura shoes we bought seasons ago, they look and feel good on the foot, and heel height at 3.5″ isn’t killer. You can find similar style here: net-a-porter, and there’s now a boutique at 939 Madison Ave, New York, NY.
  • thinking we might need a little cut and color, yet might put that off for four weeks or so. Some of the family is giving up things like wine, and chips, and we have absolutely no discipline in that area. We’re also super-inspired by one of our favorite bloggers Alyson Walsh of THAT’S NOT MY AGE. She talks about growing out her blonde on her Instagram feed, and check out her take on grey hair by clicking on This week’s style inspiration: grey hair on the cat-walk, Oxfam at fashion week and Kristin Scott Thomas. 

Every day dress, here’s to all women everywhere, not giving up. xoxo

slow french taupe

We’ve been working a slow spring trunk, and that’s okay, we’re all about being patient with the patient. Enjoying some one on one time with special clients, and learning new things.

The french taupe color story we’re finding interesting, and loving this fuller pant shape.

Even pulled our wider-leg (note the higher waist) denim from the closet, paired it with a ruffled sleeve silk blouse and some old Chanel boots for our Saturday work look. Felt a little French.

And the bag? The one in the middle is heart-stopping Dior, the white and the black are perfect stand-ins. Same size, equal style, different zeros. Love all three.

Our work is all about dressing women, up and down.

Every day dress, slow french taupe.

a little funk

balsamic, olive oil, kosher salt, fresh ground pepper

8 minute soft-boiled eggs, prosciutto

chicken with 40 cloves of garlic, tastes way better than it looks

Sunday afternoon late lunch

She’s recovering, although it might take a little. We’re in a little funk, so doing what we do: making the bed, putting on a little makeup, walking the dogs (or spending time out in the garden with them), making some dinner, spending time with those we love, enjoying a glass of wine. A little curve ball, so we’ve battened down for a little, it will get better.

Scary stuff when your kid is in the OR, and we like to share, the good and the scary. We don’t push the site, if you’re here we suppose it’s because you might like to cook, and feed and care for others, or enjoy good clothes, or maybe even a little of each.

Linnie fishing, Booie wining

miss you peanut, xoxo

cozy dinner for 3

We’ve ducked out of the office for a little, her sister’s are all in FL, soaking up some vitamin D, and don’t want to leave her home alone. We’re at the table, enjoying meals for three.

Two weekends ago it was ski town, these last days we’ve seen a lot of the couch. 🙂

indoor garden from sister in CA

outdoor garden where we find peace, 2/21/17

Every day dress, a little funk, tomorrow is a new day. xoxo


the subtle power of good clothing

hand cut vegetables and bouquet garni

going with carnations instead of the expected roses, on Valentine’s Day

So, Tuesday night we were cooking up some short ribs, parsnip puree, green beans and creme brûlée. Wednesday night I was standing gurney side as they were about to wheel our eighteen year old daughter, fifth child, into emergency surgery at 10:56 pm.

Oh, how life can change on a dime. Picked this child up after a phone call from the school nurse, drive sixth child out to her drivers ed class and husband comes home to find fifth child on the floor, in pain. Quick trip to the ER, three or so morphine shots later and the late night surgery crew is saying ‘you look way too dressed up to be here’. We were wearing our regular stuff, yet they noticed, and took us seriously. When your kid is being wheeled in for your not quite sure what and you put your faith in the powers above, it’s a good thing to feel good in your clothes.

Wednesday office outfit that went until Thursday late afternoon

Laid down in those clothes, in the surgery waiting room. Slept in those clothes, in two chairs pushed together at the end of her bed. Woke up in those clothes and was thankful for another day, and Tim Horton’s hospital coffee, a breakfast sandwich, and a sour cream donut, we we’re running on empty.

Really, what you wear can speak volumes, oftentimes without you even saying a word. We write here about good clothes, good food, and sometimes about drinking good wine, and if it came down to the end I’d want to be wearing a good outfit, having enjoyed a good meal, and definitely a good glass of wine, all with the people I love, that’s really the gist of us here at every day dress.

That outfit gave me strength. She’s on the mend. xoxo

what we wore on Friday, for four hours at the office, when what we really felt like doing was never leaving the couch

Every day dress, the subtle power of good clothing.

loving a little pink

small bouquets for a small dinner

from our summer country garden 

Some self-promotion here, I’ll be working spring trunk two weeks straight starting tomorrow, February 14th, (Valentine’s Day!), so let’s talk a little pink:

  • Wall Street Journal calls it Spring Fashion’s Biggest Trend, read more here at Making Peace With Pink. (simply click on the link, I like to hyperlink when I can to make it easier for you all).
  • Years ago I bought a pale pink Chloé (if you click here Chloé the model has on an amazing pale pink something) bag and spent more than I should have yet loved that thing dearly and now second daughter keeps and wear it, LOVE.
  • Pink for us here at every day dress is more like nude, a neutral, and easier to wear than some of its brighter counter colors. Red on the body can make us a little nervous sometimes, pink, not so much.
  • J. Crew‘s archive includes 226 shades, that’s a lot of variation, something for everyone.
  • For my only sisters’ wedding (going on thirteen years ago this October) bought a pale pink Zac Pozen dress, again spent more than I should have, yet I still love that thing and wore it with many happy memories last summer. That’s what we love, invest well, wear often, and long.

So, click on this link, Making Peace With Pink, believe that you are an interesting and smart person, and come see me over the next two weeks to see what Worth New York has in mind for when it comes to loving a little pink, there’s a shade for us all. This is when I take off the chef’s apron for a little and slip on some fancy shoes. 🙂 Call or text for your pink fix, 716-445-3033.

Every day dress, loving a little pink, forever and always. xoxo

Professional Images | Worth New York


settled in | a new habit

Still winter, so we’re settled in, working for spring 17, and baking off some cranberries, walnuts, and orange zest.

We’ve got a new habit too as we’re hanging in the kitchen and looking to upgrade our skill set: in addition to all of our ongoing every day dress habits, we now hone our chef’s knife, every single use.

We used to simply throw those berries or whatever in the food processor, now we mind fully rough slice them, and everything is better.

Garlic is early prepped for tomorrow’s night dinner.

Every day dress, all settled in with a new habit.

on rotation

we love this easy day look 

Seriously need to get the stylist shoes on, trunk opens next week Tuesday and we’ve been doing other things, like solitary slicing carrots into all different little cuts.

two bunches organic carrots

a few hours and just about a bottle of wine later

And the thing is, I’m really good at styling women, yet honestly would rather weed the garden, even in winter, than doing what would make me really successful. 

Had two conversations today; one with a potential client, and she was talking about how she needed some solid investment pieces in her wardrobe, for her to put on rotation.

The other conversation was with my momma, and we were talking about the necessity of doing things, getting out of your comfort zone, being engaged, or you just kind of wither and die. (not really, but sort of). 

So, for the balance of this month of February, I’ll be on rotation as stylist, and try to curtail my home culinary activities, or at least a more balanced combination.

Every day dress, on rotation, being a life long learner, always. xoxo

a few simple style notes:

  • when it’s not snowing or raining, we like to wear white open toe shoe boots with a block heel in winter.
  • black leather jeans and a black cashmere turtleneck can take you just about anywhere. Thinking the only thing that might be better than a black cashmere turtleneck would be a black cashmere v-neck. The one shown here is two years old, and yay, it has a few pills on it, but that’s okay, the face and body do too. 🙂 We like it that way. Investment dressing. 🙂

the pre-party

Sometimes it’s the lead up that can be the most fun: prepping for the party is so part of the joy.

Love too that the second daughter and the second son’s girlfriend are getting in on the game, they spent the better part of their Saturday making up some amazing dips and things.

Writing this during second half of super bowl, kind of hoping the Pats win as oldest daughter’s man is extremely attached and I want her to have a good week, lol.

Anyways, we did some New England lobster rolls, good old tenderloin sandwiches with arugula and horseradish cream sauce, a couple of Georgia peach tarts and a double batch of Katharine Hepburn brownies. We took it all on the road, two son’s hosted the party, so happy.

Every day dress, always. xoxo


paris and me

Last day of the first month and honestly we’re having a hard time leaving the house, yet leave the house we do: there’s travel, and work, and life, and a fun little coat.

We like to share resources, and one nice find was a boutique in Coronado, CA, Paris & Me. A mother and daughter team, we love that, with great little European inspired pieces, at great little prices. Lizzie and I were out there sourcing colleges, and of course had to source some new clothes.

Picked up this black sweater for moi, and the fun white coat for her, which we borrowed today for the office run. LOVE both, she also got a fun pair of faux leather lace-up leggings.

Check out their site here, Paris & Me, or better yet, stop in when you’re day tripping, :), the on site collection is quite nice.

We’ve talked about our go-to column of black, and while not original it get’s us out the door.

layer it

it’s friday, woot woot

serious blouse, casual mix

loving this Cosabella bodysuit, it goes under anything

We’re easing back into our style work and one little piece we simply can’t get enough of is this simple little bodysuit. It’s like wearing a pair of tights on your torso: slim, clean, and 3/4 sleeves. Picked this up locally at Lace & Day, they really know their stuff, and now encouraging clients and friends to pick one up too. Gifted one to the third daughter, and she’s got the layering look going as well.

kind of a smile

kind of serious yet LOVE the boots

Colleague stopped in and she and I were talking about wearing versus not wearing the clothes we collect. It’s so easy to fall into wardrobe default. Yeah, the jeans are for sure default yet the blouse is new. I say, for the new year, let’s all wear what we have, and wear what we buy. This silk graphic cutaway would be so corporate/office appropriate all suited up, popped it over the bodysuit and paired with denim, sandals, and glitter socks to be fun instead. We’re loving socks, with any footwear at all.

this is what we do at the office…not really

glitter socks with sandals, you bet

this is our new high heel height

Know we have to break free of the denim habit, just can’t shake it. One habit that’s gone for sure is any heel height over 3″. No way.

We’re in the studio suite today and tomorrow, and then back again Monday, January 23rd. Working with all things spring 17, and some samples at half off too.

Every day dress, layer it, and wear your good stuff.

bodysuit | Lace & Day

silk cutaway | Worth New York

Jane sandal | Saint Laurent | on sale now at NET-A-PORTER