scarf as bracelet


Quick post: runaround day. We’ve seen scarf as halter, and scarf as dress. Now, scarf as bracelet. Leandra of Man Repeller fame does it, so can you.

Take a long narrow scarf and wrap and tie. If you’re home alone you might have to use your teeth, haha. Great way to dress up the jeans (I know, again), and the second son’s black v-neck sweater.

It’s quick, and easy. Best part, the more you have to do the less I like to have accessories get in the way. This sits quietly on the wrist, no noise when you’ve got to go.

Every day dress, scarf as bracelet.

How did it get to Thursday already?

scarf | from an old sweater top | Worth New York

test drive


A good suit can give you confidence. Thinking it’s better to have one really good one than a drawerful of not so good.

Take it for a test drive, too. Did that with the husband, it passed, top and bottom.


Picked this up last September in small French wine town. Don’t really buy new swimwear that often, really liked the juxtaposition of the one-sided laced boy short with the bikini top. These suits are worth the money.

white bikini | ERES



same jeans, chambray shirt




IMG_4286 IMG_4290 IMG_4295When traveling, and really just about any day, it’s easiest to wear certain things over and over. Buy well, wear often.

For day 2 of quick little in and out getaway, wore the same white jeans, added a belt, and tucked in the chambray shirt that if truth be told was the night before night-shirt, untucked of course.

One kind of rock and roll cuff, a pair of flats. Eye makeup, grocery store nude lipstick, and done. Nothing fancy or unusual here, simply an easy way to dress during your downtime.

Have a great weekend everyone, heading back north tomorrow morning.

Every day dress, same jeans, chambray shirt.

a little color



First official day of Spring is tomorrow, Friday march 20th: time for a little color in the outfit of the day.

Recent Barneys catalogue is all about the over skinny jean, so much more of a relaxed fit. We’ve got that going here too, with again, a loose Citizen’s shape. An easy fit (color, and print, so not our usual) silk blouse, bright nail color, and done.

Some clients are telling us they are ready to have a burn party for their black pants, it’s been a long winter.


Every day dress, a little color, it’s about time, right?


Nail Color | Essie | Geranium


over skinny


Two nights in a row went out to the same restaurant and wore the same blue jeans in small upstate New York ski town. While we’ll never really be over skinny here at every day dress, love our three squares way too much for that, one thing we’re feeling is that we just might be over the skinny jean trend for a bit.

For some clients it’s the absolute go-to: any shoe or boot will work regardless of heel height or lack of, and it’s the perfect runaround from dawn to dawn. 🙂 Just feeling the itch for a new cut. Until we can make the jump to the high-waisted sailor pant or even the flare, coming soon we know along with the wedge heel, it’s back to the old slouchy kind of boyfriend jean bought probably four or so years ago out on the west coast. Very fit friend thought it was nuts, why buy or wear loose jeans?

Well, it’s been a long winter and we need something new/old. So until those high-waisted white flared jeans get here, ordered them today, we are so over skinny, haha. Need the snow to melt, and fast.  FullSizeRender FullSizeRender  FullSizeRender FullSizeRender


Don’t you just the love the cool western modern decor? Two nights in a row, yes please.

Dina’s Restaurant | Ellicottville NY

New/Old Jeans | Citizens of Humanity

a working mom

While this won’t be interesting to all readers, we’ll get back to the normal stuff soon, here’s how we got through the last week:

When you’re a working mom, and let’s clarify this, all moms work whether it’s for pay or not, you’re day often and does change in a heartbeat. So what do we do? Go with what’s important and leave the rest for later, it usually and always gets done anyways.

Last Sunday hopped a plane unexpectedly and there I was in Boston for four nights. While we were doing the comfort thing of spaghetti and meatballs at Stella in the South End husband was back home serving up his specialty, pepperoni sandwiches, and no less dinner in bed.


Here is how we looked:


Here is how we felt:


Also going on at home was our Spring 2015 Trunk Show. Without pause colleagues Norina and Michelle took over brilliantly while Ethel, my mom, made the coffee and the beds, and kept the dishwashers going. Husband did the drive around, even the Tuesday Thursday 7 am drivers ed drop-off and the 5:15 and 7 pm girls LAX pick-up. It does take a village, sincere appreciation all around. xo

On Thursday morning second daughter did the uber thing for me for the 7am flight back to BUF and then met two clients at 9:30 am for last day of our Spring Trunk Show.


Barbara, let’s talk?


how about a white and silver leather jacket to get you in a good mood?


or the perfect cocktail/wedding/dinner suit?


and let’s end this post with the best desk to dinner dress out there 🙂

So, this working mom gives high fives to women and men everywhere that jump in, help out, and make the show go on, whatever that may be.

Every day dress, The First Day of Spring (Spring Equinox) 2015, coming this Friday, woot woot, a working mom.

Spring 2015 Trunk Show | Worth New York

summer coming soon and virtual appointments available

a go bag


Sometimes you’ve just gotta get up and go, having a go bag makes it easier.

Even if you don’t have the go bag proper like well-dressed MacKenzie on The Newsroom, having an idea of what you’d throw together at the last-minute is a good thing.

For quick trip to Boston MA, yes there really are abandoned snow-covered cars around, a couple of pair of jeans, two blouses, a nice new cardigan, and only the boots on my feet got me there.

Sample size beauty products, sunglasses, reading glasses, passport and wallet, all set.

Every day dress, what might your go bag look like?

travel top


If you’ve been anywhere near a gym these last four months, feel like breaking out, showing off, or simply  body confident, here’s a little treat for yourself: this top can be tied and worn in eight different ways and comes in two colors, black and/or navy (ordered both).

Great piece for travel, where are we going?

Every day dress, travel top.

Black Crepe Jersey Scarf Blouse | Worth New York Spring 2015

Trunk Show now through March 12th.


crazy for food

Here at every day dress we’re crazy for food, good food, and the day’s not complete without a proper dinner.

When the day/week/month gets busy we simply default to prepping the oven to 400 degrees and putting in whatever looks good at market.

Last night it was cod (again), asparagus (again), and roasted tomatoes, three different colors. Spinach salad (again), and more Chardonnay (again) and a real cloth napkin (always).

Every day dress, crazy for food.IMG_2955 IMG_2957

finally garnished


Been putting out chicken dinners for over thirty years now, yikes, and last night, finally garnished the thing with a small sprig of rosemary. Add a linen napkin and not bad for a Monday.

Marinated in olive oil, kosher salt, ground pepper, minced garlic, and chopped rosemary, cooked on the stove top and finished off with a balsamic vinegar and white wine reduction. A small steamed sweet potato, haricots verts, bread basket, and dinner done.


Yes, that’s a little chardonnay on the rocks- we hit a heat wave yesterday, 28 degrees.

Every day dress, finally garnished.