are you about an 8?

IMG_0421 IMG_0418Here at every day dress we think all women are 10’s, regardless of size and that size is really just a number, not much else.

With that said, are you about an 8? If so I have this Navy Ottoman Stripe Satin Back Crepe Cutaway from the Worth New York Spring 2014 Collection in size 8 and it is just too good to send back. Who out there needs a little wardrobe star? This Cutaway is completely sold out and has gone to recut in all sizes, 0 – 16, for approximate delivery around June 30th. Think of all the places you could go? Ordered mine sight unseen, way back in February, actually ordered it in white as well, and it has been a wardrobe staple star. It can (and has) gone dressed up and sexy or downtime/daytime with blue jeans. With a jacket or not it is perfection.


It’s a slim fit and bra friendly (really) with ribbon and snap lingerie straps. If you’re interested, message or call me at 716-445-3033, or comment here on this post, I can be confidential.

ps. If you love it and are not about an 8, message or call me, we can get you on the recut list. This is a year round piece for your wardrobe. Every day dress.

Navy Ottoman Stripe Satin Back Crepe Cutaway | Worth New York

for fit I’m wearing a size 4

for serving


Simply red white and blue today.

Thank you for serving.


for your burger


A few easy ways to fancy up your burger if you too are grilling out in your backyard this weekend:

  • saute some mushrooms and lay them on the burger before you melt the cheese.
  • grill the buns, maybe spread a little salted butter on them, butter is love
  • arugula, the best thing going now on any sandwich, love it
  • ketchup, in small personal ramekins will make anyone feel special

Can’t help myself, in addition to thoughts on dressing women in beautiful clothing I can’t stop thinking about the next meal before the current one is even done.

Still think about this burger from Sticks restaurant, The Inn at Spanish Bay, Pebble Beach Resorts, with my sister a month or so ago. Miss you Tracy, wishing you and yours a Memorial Day weekend of special times and good food. Come on out to the east coast and I’ll cook for you all.

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american cool


Last weekend we all gathered together to celebrate oldest son’s commencement from Georgetown University Law Center. Yes, America is cool.


If you are looking for something great to do this Memorial Day weekend and you happen to be in DC, check out the National Portrait Gallery and the exhibit American Cool, now through September 7th.



Snapped these photos on the iPhone, wasn’t really supposed to, event photographer thought us taking selfies with Bill was significant and took our pic.



Well done, Ethan. 

some specs

Here are some specs with respect to brown or brown:



  • Nail Colour, and this was a DIY pedicure, as almost always | Chanel | Le Vernis Eastern Light Limited Edition |

Thank you for reading and commenting :), love sharing fashion stuff with you for the every day.

Every day dress loving clogs and a white pedicure, even if it’s DIY.


brown or brown

After ridiculous amounts of travel, actually bought a pair of brown clogs yesterday. Feet can’t take it. For sure, there is power in the shoe, but with fashion being all about the sneaker and the Birkenstock, why not the clog?


Which do you prefer? The brown clog or the brown Louboutin?

Every day dress, brown or brown.

peace, and faith



The last fourteen days or so in our community has brought conclusion and commencement. We’ve lost Natalie and Ben, heartbreaking and unfathomable. We’ve celebrated; the college graduation of a young woman, unexpectedly without her dad, a bridal shower, and law school graduation, times two. Countless other conclusions and commencements as well.

Every day dress wishes everyone on this earth peace, calm, strength, and most of all, faith.

a bit of a stretch


Really didn’t do that much shopping on most recent trip.

Stopped in a little boutique in Beaune after having breakfast because we missed the hotel breakfast, 7 am to 10 am, again, haha, and this little store was the only place open. Shopkeeper, glorious French man, served us espresso. Bought a jacket in kind of a citrus yellow, evoked feelings of Dijon, of course, a pair of blue jeans, and the outfit seen here.

Husband wasn’t all about it but bought it anyways. For him it was a bit of a stretch, I was feeling the down-time look happening. Wore this Sunday, Mother’s Day, out in the country, after weeding the garden and walking the dogs. We should all take a bit of a stretch.

Every day dress in a bit of a stretch. French label, not even sure what, but LOVE.


feeling très chic


One week ago Monday picked this pistache bag as the takeaway while shopping in Paris. We had three hours tops, dinner reservations that night and early flight out the next morning. Husband asked where I wanted to go with our limited time, as we were in France some of the obvious suggestions were Hermès, Chanel, Louis Vuitton, or Céline. Never made it to Hermès or Céline, we spent most of the afternoon walking walking walking.

Feeling très chic as perusing Sunday’s New York Times Styles Section saw the breath-taking beautiful Michelle Williams in a two page ad and this very bag, what they call the iconic Alma. Can’t get over her incredible cut and mouth. The Travel magazine featured it as well, in bright mimosa. 

Knew it was the one when I first laid eyes on it. Clothes and bags and shoes convey a feeling, this is the bag I wanted to remember this trip by: classic, unexpected, spontaneous.

Every day dress feeling (a little) très chic. After a Tuesday work day on the road and late lacrosse game stopped and picked up a bottle of chilled white burgundy. With the bag on the kitchen counter top and a nice glass of wine to go with me while cooking chicken for dinner, that French feeling continues…


the iconic Alma PM | Louis Vuitton

cooking class in beaune france

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Maybe you are headed to France. If so, make time for The Cook’s Atelier in Beaune. With heartfelt thanks for organizing to new travel friend Lisa, three of us took part in the Market Tour and Cooking Class, held every Wednesday and Saturday, last weekend.

Memorable? Absolutely. We were brought in and taken care of. Mother daughter team, Marjorie and Kendall. LOVE that. What I love even more is that the market tour, wine tasting, baking, plucking feathers off the bird, the husband, breastfeeding, the older son and the nanny all come together to create a day of what life is really made of: the breaking of bread among family and friends. None of this takes away from the professionalism, only adds to the wonderful mix. Cooking lesson for a few hours, and then a leisurely lunch.

Find more about them here at The Cook’s Atelier. Beautiful website, beautiful story, beautiful day. Thank you all.

Every day dress. Cooking Class in Beaune France.

all photos | iPhone | love that thing 🙂