Sure, we’re traveling, and one day runs into the next, never really ever knowing what day or time it is. I do know it was Memorial Day weekend, and had I been stateside I would have planted a zillion red geraniums to get the house & garden ready for summer 19, all the while giving thanks and thinking of those who served. This year we’re going for bold crimson red, last year it was all about white, black and shades of blue, all kind of patriotic. Love being able to switch up the mood with annuals.

As for the wardrobe, some things are perennials, like a good dress and coat. These photos were taken a few weeks ago by the husband, we had a fancy wine tasting dinner to go to. Both pieces are closet classics and have been around for a while. The white knit dress, Missoni, was a Christmas gift from him four years ago, bought in San Francisco CA. The navy coat, one of my favorite pieces from my time with Worth New York, comes in and out of the rotation and always feels timeless, classic, and fresh when brought out again.
The block heeled sandal, Gucci, I think maybe three seasons old now, absolutely love, and with cost per wear factored in along with mobility and stability from the solid heel, definitely a sound purchase. Red, navy, gold.

As a stylist I’m feeling more about clothes that go the distance, and ones that you can build a history with. I know at times we all love a quick little fashion fix and can get tempted by fast fashion, it’s really the pieces that endure we should spend our time and money on, just saying.
Red white and blue, forever.

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