Peanut’s (Mary) 17th birthday dinner setting, August 2017
Second day of January and we took down the three trees. Once that huge holiday comes, and then goes, we’re all about clearing the way.
We love the idea of a new year, and fresh ideas. While driving with the husband the other day he was asking about goals and stuff, and about where I was headed. With clear mind and clear vision replied I was quite liking where we’re at: an independent stylist business with a great boutique clientele and a downtown address, a partner that gets me and I get her (talking about you Michelle), and a daughter (Booie), interested in learning the ropes. We love working with our women one to one, and making a small but important difference in their lives by helping them have clothes they love to wear, and that feel good on their skin. We’re not about getting to the top of the sales heap or corporate thing, yet totally support and encourage women that are feeling that drive.
Personally our time in the kitchen is divine, and cooking and serving those we love is at our core. We’ve mastered the professional cook certification, and those skills serve us well day in and day out. Now enrolled in the professional plant-based certification course, and looking to expand our repertoire with more plant-based options and raw techniques.
We’re at a good spot, celebrated 30 years of marriage this past fall and our oldest daughter will be married this August 2018. Six kids, three dogs, a couple of homes, a small fashion business, lots to style and write about. We know where we’re going: we’re about making things nice.
Lizzie’s 19th bday cake, New Year’s Day 2018
Cottage industry blog will carry on, posting about good clothes and good food, and a wedding being planned. Nothing major or crazy or over the top, simply seeking to make the every day a little bit elevated, and better all around.
Love you Bec- here’s to a wonderful new year!!❤️
Yes, for sure, here’s to a wonderful new year, all around. Xo