New clothing can be mood lifting and transformative; think I’ve been thinking this since the second grade.
Still believe and love the power of dress. Tomorrow starts our trunk show, to get the groove on ordered five new things yesterday, overnight shipping, why not. UPS, they deliver. Hit the submit button a little before noon and next morning boom, the box is at the front door.
Finding that less can be more and that choosing things thoughtfully, for clients, daughters, myself, creates more long-term style. The base here is black Wolford body-suit, have had that thing forever, black leather jeans, black boots. The body-suit and the leather jeans both go in the wash.
Picked two shirts, one denim, naturally, and a poppy suede. One tweed jacket, a pair of white slouchy pants, and a navy dress with a striped sheer overlay. I’ll separate those two, wear the dress as a stand-a-lone, add the denim or suede shirt or maybe even the tweed, and I’ll mix up the sheer striped overlay with a tank and blue jeans. Wardrobe upgrade, done.
We’ll be at the PLAZA SUITES through next week Thursday. New clothes for your every mood.
five new pieces | Worth New York Spring 2016
rebecca | www.worthnewyork.com/rebecca-collins
michelle | www.worthnewyork.com/michelle-capizzi
I got the jacket! Love it! thank you @carykimber…really loved the new collection!
great jacket, enjoy!