Orange wall paint, that is. In the kitchen. While clothing, closets, food, and fitness are the focus areas of this blog here, decided that could be stretched a bit with a post about recent upgrade work at the ski house. Qualifies as lifestyle, probably. And, it’s really all about the sharing of ideas and resources.
Husband decided at Thanksgiving that he couldn’t face one more ski season with white laminate kitchen cupboards and countertops, and the seventies style of the two full bathrooms. Called in Ellicottville contractor and restaurateur Mike Nickolson. He got where we were going in about ten minutes flat. No change of footprint anywhere, simply update the fixtures and surfaces. He gave us the proposal, we gave him the keys, and, five weeks later, new kitchen and two baths delivered on time and on budget. Pretty great.
Why the post name ski house orange? In a moment of weakness thought we needed some color consultation for the wall paint so called in local interior designer to spin the color wheel. While she nailed it for the one bathroom the kitchen color she chose just did not work. Dark green- in a kitchen. Should have known better. So, before the full paint job was totally dry husband specified an orange re-do. Explained the desired new color to Mike on the phone from an hour or so away and left it in his good hands. Orange it was.
Ski house is now super warm and cozy. Thank you Mike and crew. The orange heats things up in a good way and makes you want to linger. The new heated floors in the two bathrooms, slam dunk. If you ever have the option of putting heated floors anywhere at all in upstate New York, go for it.
Exercise bike and weight bench on the upper deck in the second bathroom were added in the first upgrade go round four years ago. That space was originally a several person super-sized sunken tub/jacuzzi in lipstick red. It was outrageous. Always wanted to fill the thing with ice and champagne bottles for a super huge party. Exercise bike and weight bench made a healthier alternative, I suppose.
Hope you are all having a great weekend. If you’ve had enough snow, gray skies, and cold temperatures, come on in city side, tomorrow, Monday, March 3 through the morning of Tuesday, March 12, for a look at some really great clothes for your closet. Spring 2013 Trunk Show going on now until the twelfth. Every day dress is getting pretty good at re-dos and upgrades, kitchens, bathrooms, and closets.
ps Aileen, this one’s for you. Enjoy CA.
Kitchen and Baths | G. M Nickolson Construction Inc.
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