the small stuff

fish pumpkin kalethree pots


Sometimes when the world feels a little overwhelming it’s good to get back to the small stuff. Making dinner, planting mums, simple fresh cut flowers for the kitchen table, all help with the centering thing. Lifestyle, baby, lifestyle.

All photos from the iPhone, all taken quickly. Swordfish is from last week Thursday, Barefoot Contessa, mums were planted on Sunday, really thought it was too late in the season and kind of wanted to skip it, husband gently insisted, funny how when you do those things they are expected, and hydrangeas bought at the grocery about forty-five minutes ago.

Fashion news has been all over the place and with that gorgeous women with incredibly long thin legs in loose jeans and fabulous shoes.

Here’s to all that and the small stuff.

Every day dress. 🙂


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1 Comment

  1. Rebecca,
    Loved your recent post! So true take care of the small things and the bigger “stuff” has a way
    of falling into place! Thanks so much for reminding us!

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