brunch at The Obstinate Daughter | community table
Six years ago today we put our first post up here, and if we’re completely honest with ourselves we’re looking to reclaim some of our mojo. It’s kind of funny, no one is really out there waiting for a new entry. Yet when we don’t write I feel anxious, and let it go for a while, and then feel more anxious, and then it feels even harder to get back to it. Kind of like the gym, when you’re in the habit it’s a daily do, and you feel better, even when you don’t.
yeah, that’s me styling oldest daughter, pink bag, pink charm, pink scarf, floral shoe
So, here goes: writing and posting here keeps my brain engaged, even if it’s simply content about food and clothes. We’ve had a love affair with both for as long as we can remember, and we’ll need to be fed and dressed for as long as we’re here so content continues. If you’ve been a reader for a while thank you, I like sharing my space.
Several years ago through my professional work with Worth New York I heard Tom Black, entrepreneur and wine collector, speak. Motivational, yes, and since then I’ve subscribed to his Success Quotes for Daily Living. Yesterday, this landed in my inbox:
Ignore all hatred and criticism. Live for what you create, and die protecting it. – Lady Gaga
And with that, we continue. Every day dress, and every day cook. Food and clothes, in any order, with as much style as we can gather.
of the several group photos this one’s a favorite, as it shows love, laughter, movement, and no perfect posing
Photos here are of recent visit to Charleston, South Carolina. Easter Sunday we brunched at The Obstinate Daughter, Sullivan’s Island, and did a beach walk afterwards, thank you, Lucy. There were eleven of us in total, now ten of us are back in the northeast and we’re all waiting on spring.
Every day dress, waiting on spring.
Bravo to six years! Thank you for opening your creative mojo to the public. And fyi: some of us including myself, actually do wait and anxiously look for each post. xoxo
Many heartfelt thanks. xo
What? I wait for posts! I love them and I love you!❤️
🙂 xo
This makes me SO happy! Glad you had fun. xoxoxo
Thank YOU. We went to Cru Cafe as well. Loved it!
Congrats, Rebecca. We may not post often, but we all appreciate you and your effort.
Thank you. xo