Husband and I recently returned from an eleven-day road four-state road trip. Travelers at heart, we haven’t left home with the exception of going to and from Boston MA, which really is another home, since last February. Hitting the open road was how we celebrated thirty-three years of marriage.
Thirty-three years of marriage has been nothing like seven months of pandemic, marriage feels solid, and reassuring. All in all, the two of us have handled pandemic thus far reasonably well, our three decades together giving us good solid footing. Sure, we’ve had our days and the month of August was particularly tough, always has been. August is when the kids leave for college and the family unit changes and everything in our world goes a little haywire for a while.
This year our two youngest actually shared in the angst, wanting to get back to school yet wondering how and what it would feel like and also if and when they would be sent home. No real answers there, each of their schools have established different protocols, Elizabeth being in South Carolina while Mary is in Rhode Island. Like many parents we’ve tried to do our best by them, even signing an off-campus apartment rental for Mary which instead of giving her more autonomy has in actuality made her feel even more confined as classes are essentially all online and stiff campus stay-at-home regulations have been put into place. Many tears, much anxiety, I am sad and sorry. I miss college for them.

Anyway, I digress. Blue? Perhaps, but a softer side. We have our health, and we have each other. We’ve spent countless hours under one roof and one sky, taking as many of our meals as possible outdoors, and that has been wonderful.
As for the road trip, we started in Buffalo NY and drove to St. Michael’s MD where we stayed for two nights at the Inn at Perry Cabin, lovely. We enjoyed an outstanding dinner at STARS, their signature restaurant. I loved that there was a Peloton on site at the fitness center. I could get up early and do my thing, those rides keep me steady.
Next up was Virginia, two nights at the Iris Inn. Virginia was beautiful, and we are intrigued by their wine industry. Dinner at The Farmhouse at Veritas highly recommend.
South Carolina and Hotel Domestique was our third destination, and here Elizabeth joined us for three glorious nights. We love the elegant simplicity of Hotel Domestique, and this stay we booked a cycling ride with one of their guides, not sure why we’ve waited so long, I might just be hooked.
Our road trip culminated at Blackberry Farm, a destination on our bucket list. It was lovely, yet if I must be honest the coffee was never really hot enough, maybe I’m just being too New York.
We’re home now, and it’s taken me a week to re-orient and re-set. We drove straightaway from Blackberry to Buffalo last week Sunday and it was a bit of a haul. I also mixed in a return trip COVID test (negative), and some quarantine time, and that was fun too.
On the softer side of blue two of the looks I wore while traveling are from the beautiful fall line of Lafayette 148. Lafayette 148 is my new professional joy project, I don’t think I could ever have enough of these luxurious pieces, each one almost better than the last. I love getting these clothes on my client’s bodies as much as I love wearing them myself.
The Geode Print Anita Dress taking its’ design cue from organic, natural elements in the colorway Oceana Multi has great drape and flattering ruching, and I love the below-knee length.

Always in for a good pair of leather pants, couldn’t resist this pair with soft pleats in Mountain Blue. Paired with a straight cut, high neck sequin blouse in a color called Ocean Storm, it’s all about laid back ease.

Simply put, new clothes help diffuse the blues, just a little. Oceana Multi, Mountain Blue and Ocean Storm, all part of a softer side of blue.
Every day dress.

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