Fourth daughter, sixth child, receives her high school ring in a few hours. For this, we’ll wear a dress, and a little cropped cashmere cardigan pulled from the wardrobe archives.
Went to a lovely poetry reading yesterday at a women’s club, and wore this outfit there too. You know we love a little outfit repeat, makes things easy.
Today while running around wore black leather pants, and we most often happily spend our days in denim. For spring events, like ring day and poetry readings, we go for a soft colored dress, pastel cashmere cardigan, a pretty little bag, and a kind of funky shoe boot. To keep things fun its light blue on the toes. And, that little cashmere cardigan doesn’t match the dress one bit, we like to wear things a little imperfectly.
Every day dress, ring day and poetry reading, in a dress, of course. xoxo
Worth New York friends and clients, spring summer 17 trunk starts this weekend. Special occasion or every day? We can help.
Oh, and since it’s raining cats and dogs we’re making split pea soup for simple dinner with this past weekends ham archive.
Spring 2017 and we’ve got a couple of milestones to mention: 5 years here at the blog, every day dress, and 10 years at the company, Worth New York.
Love both, although we’d be kidding ourselves if we didn’t recognize the changes:
oldest and youngest
Blog started as a result of really not finding many women of age out there writing about style, and what they might be wearing. Now, and even then, there are many good sites, and as a way to introduce myself to others when working in sales as a stylist, recruiter and trainer, for the above said company.
Blog has evolved to more of a lifestyle place, and to less of wearing and showing what’s new. We still love new clothes, and all the accessories that go with them, it’s just that we’re more into less now, yet better, and probably wearing things more often.
The professional piece, with Worth New York, we wouldn’t trade for a minute. Perhaps we’ve hit pause for a little, to fast forward, or not. 5 of those 10 years we spent building a team, and now we’re more about sharing our knowledge, and inspiring others. Working with women, a beautiful product, and the support, training, and inventory of an ever evolving national luxury fashion company, irresistible. We’ll be working a spring summer trunk at the end of the month, launching into our 11th year of dressing gorgeous and talented women.
all food above, prepped and cooked in small Bayfront condo
We’re also focused on the kitchen, and food, and feeding the family. We’re learning to be more disciplined while cooking, using more whole foods than not, and to consuming and wasting less. It’s a process for sure, and it feels right, and good.
white linen shirt, best cover-up
Helping women look and feel good, that’s really been our thing in one way or another since we started at a women’s only fitness center at the age of 17 teaching group classes. Perhaps we simply like feeding them now, too. Oh, what a run: fitness, fashion, and now food.
So here’s to 5 and 10, and to the next 5 and 10, and to women everywhere that jump in, try new things, hang in there, take a risk, take a gap, reinvent.
grocery tulips in a coffee mug in the condo with the laptop
morning walk, those 10k steps, wall flowers 🙂
Love and peace to all.
and for fun, totally want this red leather biker and tulle skirt, hello Kathy! (saved and copied from Instagram)
ps. do not google 5 and 10, especially urban dictionary. 🙂
all photos taken while in Ruskin, FL, on the iPhone
We’ve been doing stuff, like roasting chickens, and grilling caesar salad, and wearing our wardrobe classics: long merino skirt, Breton stripes kind of thing bodysuit, a leather jacket. and a striped scarf.
Also going on, a pile of beans, and weeknight dinners:
a pile of beans, who really cares
sweet potatoes
add a lean protein and some time in the kitchen and you’ve got dinner baby
grocery roses, $20, DIY
cut flowers on the table at the restaurant, always add votives
double dates xoxo
a finger or two in the frosting, always
twins!! celebrating 27…
the men watching sports, on the iPhone, in the wine cellar haha
While talking about the blog with second son, graphic designer, expressed how I didn’t want this to be a place where readers felt worse after visiting. You know, an endless visual parade of all things new you need to buy, or etc.
We like new, no problem there. It’s the constant and endless acquisition that gets us.
So, here we are, digging down a little in the kitchen and digging down a little in the closet.
so, he did get the bunny in the window, and here is its head, on a platter, for breakfast, lol
one shouldered cashmere, Worth New York | burn marks on right arm, classic culinary perks
Last May, one of our mentors (we’re talking to you, Wendy), talked a bit about her ‘gap’ year at a high-profile event here in BUF, and we were listening. Our heights and accomplishments not equal to hers by the usual measure, yet her message was clear: it’s okay to work hard, do some good stuff, check a few things off the ambition checklist and then re-evaluate, take stock, and begin again. We here at every day dress love women that are constantly designing, whatever that may be or have meaning to them, uniquely.
We’ve had a bit of a gap, perhaps not a true gap year, never say never, yet definitely a gap.
While we love beautiful clothing and dressing women (hey, I’ve done that since I’ve been about 12, starting sewing my own clothes and little accessories for others), we also truly love cooking and feeding others.
we love white flowers and white votives
and not arranged too precious, and wine on the counter
rustic beef stew had two bottles of beer and red wine and yes, we did take the eyes out of those potatoes
flowers by Lexi, elegant and simple
weeknight family dinner
So, now we’re working on adding a little credibility to our culinary hobby: we’ve made stock and uploading photos and being graded on our work, all for a certificate if we pass 538 tasks and a final exam come July. Two youngest daughters say it’s the best thing that’s ever happened and bonus I’m always on time for lacrosse drop-off and pick-up now having taken a breather from corporate life.
all this for stock and they say it’s easy lol
you need to have warmed clear stock and cold gelatin omg
chopped stems and crowns we can handle, and that onion is easy to dice, slice, whatever
they hide yet like the results, building a culinary notebook, even have the hole puncher out!
it’s really better tasting than it looks, #truth
Yes, Lace & Day, this is what goes on underneath the apron 🙂
we’re okay with the eyelid droop as long as we are serving some good wine
Yeah, the blog has had a bit of a gap, 9 days since last post!, professional life definitely has a gap although we’re still loving quarterly trunk shows, and LOVE keeping in touch with our women.
mise en place for vegetable stock
in the copper pot
minestrone is now one of our weekly things, pic from the iPhone
beet, pumpkin seed & feta salad, good thing I roasted and saved those October things, iPhone photo, yet really delicious
Even though we’re a bit off we’re really not that off, food and good clothing, definitely a life-long passion. xoxo
May we all have opportunity to pursue what brings us meaning, and joy.
Okay, off to walk the dogs now for about an hour, that definitely gives our day meaning, and joy.
Snow day in the BUF, so we’re staying put and doing fun things in the kitchen like making omelets, and vegetable stock.
Never knew a proper omelet was all about the proper heat, and stirring, and stirring and shaking, and that the eggs should be barely done. And that to be an omelet you don’t even need to put anything in it, it’s all technique. We’re all about learning new things.
Baking we’ve done for decades, and funny thing is no one really eats the stuff anymore, it just kind of sits.
Thinking we’ll have more success with some good soup from some scratch stock.
Every day dress, we’re pretty mellow, loving the March snow day. xoxo
Life-long learning, we’re all for it. Enrolled in some online stuff and while we love clothes, shoes, and bags, decided to upgrade the culinary skills.
Here’s a little of what we’ve been up to, the past three days at least:
setting up for poached eggs
barely yet greatly set
lunch for one, new nail color, Essie bikini so teeny, and a jam jar with a smash of Walt Chardonnay
homegrown kitchen counter basil
resulting basil walnut pesto, skipped those pine nuts this time
veggies prepped for dinner
couldn’t resist, pussy willow for the front hall from the grocery, $15
if it works, do it again, this time black suede Birkenstocks, OPI boyfriend jeans nail color
chicken with 40 cloves of garlic, tastes way better than it looks
Sunday afternoon late lunch
She’s recovering, although it might take a little. We’re in a little funk, so doing what we do: making the bed, putting on a little makeup, walking the dogs (or spending time out in the garden with them), making some dinner, spending time with those we love, enjoying a glass of wine. A little curve ball, so we’ve battened down for a little, it will get better.
Scary stuff when your kid is in the OR, and we like to share, the good and the scary. We don’t push the site, if you’re here we suppose it’s because you might like to cook, and feed and care for others, or enjoy good clothes, or maybe even a little of each.
Linnie fishing, Booie wining
miss you peanut, xoxo
cozy dinner for 3
We’ve ducked out of the office for a little, her sister’s are all in FL, soaking up some vitamin D, and don’t want to leave her home alone. We’re at the table, enjoying meals for three.
Two weekends ago it was ski town, these last days we’ve seen a lot of the couch. 🙂
indoor garden from sister in CA
outdoor garden where we find peace, 2/21/17
Every day dress, a little funk, tomorrow is a new day. xoxo
going with carnations instead of the expected roses, on Valentine’s Day
So, Tuesday night we were cooking up some short ribs, parsnip puree, green beans and creme brûlée. Wednesday night I was standing gurney side as they were about to wheel our eighteen year old daughter, fifth child, into emergency surgery at 10:56 pm.
Oh, how life can change on a dime. Picked this child up after a phone call from the school nurse, drive sixth child out to her drivers ed class and husband comes home to find fifth child on the floor, in pain. Quick trip to the ER, three or so morphine shots later and the late night surgery crew is saying ‘you look way too dressed up to be here’. We were wearing our regular stuff, yet they noticed, and took us seriously. When your kid is being wheeled in for your not quite sure what and you put your faith in the powers above, it’s a good thing to feel good in your clothes.
Wednesday office outfit that went until Thursday late afternoon
Laid down in those clothes, in the surgery waiting room. Slept in those clothes, in two chairs pushed together at the end of her bed. Woke up in those clothes and was thankful for another day, and Tim Horton’s hospital coffee, a breakfast sandwich, and a sour cream donut, we we’re running on empty.
Really, what you wear can speak volumes, oftentimes without you even saying a word. We write here about good clothes, good food, and sometimes about drinking good wine, and if it came down to the end I’d want to be wearing a good outfit, having enjoyed a good meal, and definitely a good glass of wine, all with the people I love, that’s really the gist of us here at every day dress.
That outfit gave me strength. She’s on the mend. xoxo
what we wore on Friday, for four hours at the office, when what we really felt like doing was never leaving the couch
Every day dress, the subtle power of good clothing.
Still winter, so we’re settled in, working for spring 17, and baking off some cranberries, walnuts, and orange zest.
We’ve got a new habit too as we’re hanging in the kitchen and looking to upgrade our skill set: in addition to all of our ongoing every day dress habits, we now hone our chef’s knife, every single use.
We used to simply throw those berries or whatever in the food processor, now we mind fully rough slice them, and everything is better.
Garlic is early prepped for tomorrow’s night dinner.