Day-tripped to the place in the country for a summer’s end picnic in, of course, white shirt, blue jeans. Not ready to wear Fall clothes, yet the summer things feel a little tired. Did a DIY dark manicure and grabbed an old dark satchel to set the mood a little.
Seems it’s time to gather it in and begin again. Bittersweet.
Simple post here: while the husband is off in Newport RI and Boston MA getting twenty-something daughters prepped for the new school and work year, we stayed upstate, (teenaged daughters and I), and spent just about every cent we had on their back to school stuff.
One thing we came home with that always brings pleasure and satisfaction, a new stack of dish towels. Tried and true and maybe a bit pedestrian but when you feel like so much is going on all around you there is a feeling of well-being when opening the kitchen drawer and finding freshly laundered and ironed dish towels. No fabric softener here, we want to the real deal. Like scented candles on the dining table, some things are left better undone.
Every day dress, tried and true and finding order in the kitchen by bringing home new towels.
Wishing everyone a safe Labor Day weekend filled with rest and relaxation.
This time of year, all you really need to do is gather up what’s good and fresh and put it together. First in, Coho salmon, local corn, homegrown tomatoes, done. Next night, revisited the CA pizza thing, homemade dough with 1 1/4 cups hot water, (perceived temperature even though we do have the thermometer), 2 packages active dry yeast, 1 tablespoon honey (we like it when the hive is still in there), 3 tablespoons olive oil, salt, and 4 cups King Arthur flour. Mix it up in the Kitchen Aid for about 10 minutes, roll it out on the counter, add whatever you like with some more olive oil on top, bake it up in a hot oven, add a green salad, and dinner is easy.
After a day with work, dinner is the treat, and dinner is easy.
Totally on the edge right about now, wanting everyone to get back to where they need to be come September 1st. Have had this feeling every end of summer since having a couple of kids, simply wanting everyone to get through the swimming, boating, driving, flying, (drinking), safely, and to resume work, study, play.
Last weekend we tucked in about 34 adults for food and drink at the ski house for husband’s office weekend retreat. Dina’s Restaurant, thank you, food was out of the park and you took the edge off of being on the edge.
Every day dress, honestly, a little on the edge. Be safe everyone. xo
Our fashion colleagues at Tony Walker & Co. give us a great spot to run in and grab a dress, or two, when the occasion calls and we haven’t planned ahead. How does that happen?
Asked about the white dress from last blog post and here’s the deal: saw this Ibis Crossback while shopping with (four) daughters for blue jeans and fell in love. Needed/wanted something new for a summer family event and everything in the current closet felt a little too straight and tailored. Also brought back memories from sixth grade graduation, thirty-three years ago (how does that happen?) and still remember the white floral appliquéd crossback dress that was worn. Kind of crazy how much one can think about clothes. Bought the dress, added a black cashmere shrug and neutral suede shoes.
Daughter’s dress was grabbed on a run-in without her, she wanted/needed a dress too and that was the pick. She thought it was great and felt good in her clothes, we know that that’s important. Thank you all at Tony Walker & Co., you make it easy to dress well, and fast. Always like to support a local family business, too. 🙂
With Labor Day weekend on the horizon it could be a good idea to throw it all in. When driving somewhere it’s so easy to toss stuff in the trunk. Had a great summer, kind of looking forward to some sort of schedule.
Husband confided to oldest daughter last night while having a post-work glass of wine that if it was chicken for dinner he wasn’t in. ha
Felt challenged at first, what’s wrong with what works? After a day full of stuff that needs to get done we all need/like to eat. Did chicken tonight, and yes he was in. 🙂
Buy the best that you can, and keep it seasonal too. Note the difference in two pots of basil: one on the left, ordinary store-bought, one on the right, organic specialty nursery stock.
Makes me think of my clients that tell me (no) more black, or, (not) one more black dress.
When given the choice of dinner or not I’ll take more chicken please, and yes, another black dress.
Post dinner activities included hand trimming flag-stone pathway. Totally understand how the face, body, and entire cities can sink after a while.
Every day dress, more chicken, and yes, another great black dress. Why not?
Every August, without fail, the current go-to wardrobe seems tired, bright colors so not it, and sandals feel almost too exposed.
White denim, blue denim, a black jacket, a Zara floral silk shirt and an apron seems to be about right.
The runaround has begun, soccer and field hockey so that’s two drop-offs and two pick-ups, oldest sons have moved out and into a modern two bedroom, oldest daughter home for a week and second daughter not yet ready for back-to-school and to hit the books again.
Full house. The wardrobe, work, and the blog have been second string. It’s okay, it’s a start to transition.
Have learned that good things almost always take longer than ever expected. It’s the start that’s the hardest. Once things get going they always seem to have a way of working out if you keep at it and hang in there.
Every day dress, start to transition. We’ll all be in full swing before we know it. Here’s to new beginnings, almost September. Love that fresh start every Fall, always.
Here’s to your start to transition, whatever that may be. xoxo
Did the peach cobbler again, this time around forgot to stir in the cup of milk. haha. Multitasking and here there and everywhere is not the best way to get things done, even though it was still delicious.
Every day dress Peach Cobbler:
1/2 cup salted butter, 1 cup all-purpose flour, 1 cup sugar, 1 cup brown sugar, 1 tablespoon baking powder, pinch or two of kosher salt, 1 cup milk, 8 or so fresh peaches, 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice, ground cinnamon.
Melt butter and pour in baking pan. Combine flour, 1 cup white sugar, baking powder, salt and milk, still until just combined. Pour over batter in baking dish.
Meanwhile bring 1 cup brown sugar, sliced peaches with skin on, and lemon juice to a boil over high heat, stirring, and then pour over batter. Sprinkle with cinnamon.
Bake at 375 degrees for 40 to 45 minutes or until perceived doneness. Serve with softened ice cream and while still warm.