More food, besides work going on now, what else is there? Wine, perhaps, of course.
Last night kale, spinach, & chard got dressed with blue cheese and canned mandarin oranges. Roasted four chicken breasts with lemon, thyme, butter, and onions, then cut them in half, we had five show for dinner instead of four. Served it up with Baked Farro & Butternut Squash from Ina’s latest make it ahead– delicious.
Every day dress, super greens and chicken. Hang in everyone, almost March. xo
Last week’s roses looking as fresh as the chef, haha.
Looks delicious Rebecca!! If u use foil instead of parchment when roasting….the underside of the proteins…or veggies will get nice & brown. Spray foil first. Easy clean up like parchment. Love your posts!!! You are amazing!!!
Will try that for sure, thank you. Always up for learning new methods!