me, far right, posting to Instagram last night while youngest of six smiles on
Last night dinner for four turned into dinner for eight, as usually happens, and after a glass of wine or two I posted twice to Instagram announcing we’re hiring, maybe a little desperate.
We’ve got a total hands on hands in can do vibe, and it’s not ever perfect and honestly I move fast and at times fly by the seat of my pants. I’ve thought of adding to the team and have tried a cleaning service, they never used water and kind of forgot to vacuum, a cleaning guy, he kind of just disappeared.
So, my new thing is listening to podcasts while buzzing around the house, dusting, vacuuming, folding towels, ironing, and it’s okay. My favorite is Pardon My French with Garance Dore, but I’ll also search around and listen to others too. Jillian Micheals, the fitness phenom, plugged care.com, and it made me take note. In the middle of prepping and cooking dinner logged on and while dragging and dropping our family profile of 8 humans and 3 dogs I kind of freaked out and dropped that idea, thinking we’re a little much to walk into.
Yet I am looking for help. We’re planning our biggest celebration ever, an outdoor wedding reception this August, and I need a hand, an assistant. The ideal match would have and love a flexible schedule and be open to on the spot learning and doing.
If you have an interest in no two days being exactly the same and have a love of actually getting your hands dirty while being around food, flowers, clothes, shoes, makeup, photos, house, garden, and more, this could be your gig. If you’re in Buffalo, we could get started as early as April, or for the right fit at anytime at all, and work together through mid to late August. Message to my Instagram, or email here to rebecca@everydaydress.com. Formal resume not necessary, coffee meeting, yes, sense of humor, obviously.
Every day dress, yes, we’re in need of a hand.
If I was still living in Buffalo I would have been your girl!
Last time you posted a desperate announce I appeared in your house and got the opportunity… I learned so much. Each flower I put and each candle I light there your lessons are. I hope you find a great help. I will be here to help you early August. This week I will call you to arrange things.
Miriam, you were a complete lifesaver when we had 3 babies all under 21 months old. So many fond memories of us together with those beautiful children, and now they are adults and you have a beautiful family of your own. We are grateful and excited you are coming to Buffalo to celebrate Caroline with us. xoxoxooxoxoxooxoxoxo
Just to correct… I will be with you early August!!!! Count on me to help!!!!