a white suit

Snowing again, and we’re totally jazzed by the idea of a white suit, or really anything all white.

Here we go, writing and posting at the end of the day, and not very first thing, as we had researched about habits, and productivity. There’s always tomorrow, that’s what we really love about the every day.

In a few days second daughter, or now MOH, (that’s Maid of Honor in wedding lingo, something I had no idea about), travel to NYC for a round of white dress look sees with first daughter, bride to be, (or is it BTB?). Obviously there’s been a lot of dress looking, for the bride and the wedding party online and on Pinterest, (another social site we’re just not that good at), and this has us thinking about a lot of white.

So, above you see some looks I’ll be working with this spring/summer 18 for clients, and myself. Our spring selling season opened today, I was in the studio wearing not yet a white suit, but white denim. I was cleaning, and prepping the show calendar, and organizing. A white suit for so many women sounds amazing, particularly in the middle of winter, yet for now we’re going with white denim (yes, white denim for sure in winter), and the standard but luxurious black turtleneck sweater. No photo, simply imagine the simplicity.

Over the weekend we we’re thinking about what it is that we really do, and why. We like to help answer the professional question ‘what to wear’, and the personal question ‘what to eat’. We love good clothes and the start of a new season, and we’re always honestly thinking about our next meal, truth.

We kind of wore a suit over the weekend, denim on denim while out in ski town, and last night upon arrival city-side cooked up a quick delicious batch of The New York Times Creamy Pasta with Smoked Bacon and Peas. Anyone that’s not eating vegan, or gluten-free etc. should have this in their repertoire, it’s a supremely good basic. All ingredients can and should be pantry staples. Add a green salad and dinner can be on the table in about twenty-five minutes.

What to wear and what to eat?

At the end of January it’s denim, of course, blue, black, or white, and lots of black knitwear. Moving towards spring, a white dress, and a white suit.

Creamy Pasta with Smoked Bacon and Peas, and tonight’s it’s scratch chicken pot pie from the freezer, it’s Monday after-all.


professional images Worth New York


seeking style

Trying to stay somewhat style relevant while getting decades older and hanging with people decades younger, hello good-looking children, fiance, and girlfriend: challenging, even on a good day. As mentioned, we’ve been thinking about life, and the blog, and the business, and while we’ve committed to helping our clients look great, we’ve gotten a little lost along the way.

We’re working our way back, this morning hit the gym for 30 minutes on the rowing machine, can’t really use the feet yet, and then booked a onsite immediate haircut. Took about four inches off all around; looking for a little style in our day-to-day look.

Still in recovery mode, and was gifted this ‘vodka, sweatpants, and a billion dollars‘ tee by second younger daughter and second son’s girlfriend. Vodka in a good bloody is a yes, sweatpants will do as long as their black, and luxurious, and the billion dollars will just have to wait. We’re just seeking style.

Had a sweet phone call with a client in her just eighties, she does Pilates several times a week. She said, ‘keep on pushing through’. Good counseling.



a pretty good day…

black tee on him, gray tee on me, and scratch carrot cake for all

This man of mine turned 63, (we celebrated last night as he is on the road today), visited the doc and got all stitches out and clearance to do light stuff and wear Birks and Crocs, United Airlines recovered my laptop (in Texas!) and is sending back to me, good food continues to be favorite project. and we’re wedding planning, so, all in all a pretty good day.

linguini, brie, tomato, basil

condiments in ramekins, they like to be dressed up too

a tray full of sliders on ciabatta, we had greens separate 

seventeen year old’s daughter card to her dad, she get’s it, and is so funny

We think a pretty good day involves family, food, and a good outfit. Sharing a few photos of kitchen happenings and a look from spring18 that would brighten all our closets.

chicken chili with definite chips in the afternoon

chicken and corn chowder, so delicious, and extra for a friend

pretty white flowers, from a friend 

We’ve been thinking about the blog, and the business, and life in general. When you spend two weeks with your feet mostly above your head you have time to do a lot of thinking, stay tuned.

W by Worth 

Every day dress, a pretty good day.

simply stellar

Gucci, under creative director Allesandro Michele, continually shines bright.

While my teens and twenty-somethings covet the goods I too am easily swayed, and would dress myself and clients this way now and in our eighties in an instant heartbeat, purse strings allowing. Fully enamored with these images of beautiful women in current campaigns.

Chiara Mastroianna

Marina Cicogna, check out her Wikipedia page here, by clicking. First woman to distribute recording of live childbirth, how cool is that…

They (the women), are simply stellar, and at the top of our inspiration board.

Now, in a small housekeeping note, edited out fall risk foot photo from yesterday’s post. Who really wants to look at that? Must have been the hydrocodon, that’s all done, and moving on.

Every day dress.

fall risk

Okay, a couple of little setbacks:

  • lost, left, misplaced 13” MacBook Pro while traveling home under flu influence from Salt Lake City UT. Filed missing item report with United, no luck yet. Head wasn’t right, and that’s how it goes. Kids were fine, no broken bones or slope side injuries, so it’s really just a lost laptop. While skiing at Beaver Creek CO thirteen years ago oldest son, now twenty-nine, decided with his brother to go to top of mountain first run while we all stayed mid-mountain. In addition, he decided to ski through the trees, as he had been to Beaver Creek before and felt he knew the terrain. A recruited D1 lacrosse player in the absolute best shape of his young life he hit a tree and broke his femur at the growth plate, requiring surgery, pins, a long recovery, and a pivot in terms of dreams of being a college athlete. I can deal with a lost laptop, and will forever recall that phone call from his younger brother on our first run, ‘Ethan’s hurt’. Same kind of cold winter day all those years ago, and phone calls at odd times can still get the best of me. Yes, we’re blessed with four healthy adult children and two teens, the underlying worry and responsibility never leaves, and honestly there’s always a fall risk. We, like Ethan did all those years ago, choose to acknowledge, accept, and work through setbacks, never giving up hope or willingness to try new strategies or set new goals. He traded athlete for scholar, and to this day enjoys sport for health, wellness, and balance.


  • had some elective surgery on both feet last week Tuesday, and they tagged me as a ‘fall risk’, kind of funny, but kind of true. When I think about ‘fall risk’ it really applies to us all, right? Elective surgery decision was not made lightly, in fact it was scheduled for last June and postponed the thing, after thinking about being unable to do what I do for my family and the possibility of not fully recovering for a family trip to Europe that late July. I like to add to the unit, not be one that slows down the team or needs help, just my way. Also delayed having this surgery until youngest of six could drive, and drive well. So here we are, six days post-op, with feet elevated until next week Monday, when stitches come out. Working with women and their wardrobes puts you in touch with their feet, as footwear is considered when planning looks and clothing choices. Living in the northeast oftentimes makes footwear your first consideration when getting dressed, as temperature and precipitation dictate footwear choice. Yes, I’m interested in attractive and pretty footwear and feet, yet this was not the driving decision for surgery, nor would any doc I know cut for that goal. Always active, I started long-distance running in the seventh grade, seeking the endorphin high and mind-clearing numbness. Running went on for decades, straight through pregnancies, and added a marathon in there to celebrate turning thirty. Constant motion and perhaps a genetic predisposition set down some late stage arthritis in both great toes. Right toe cheilectomy took place in 2007, that brought relief for about seven years. Modified the fitness routine and the shoe wardrobe, Birks became a favorite, yet bone on bone pain and daily anti-inflammatory use, not in the long-term plan. Doc suggested Cartiva, and I accepted. Recovery in progress. Fall risk? Yes, of course. Not giving up.

Birks and favorite Anderson pant in Greenville SC 8/18

Birk boots, denim, leather, and those extra 10 lbs., 9/18, visiting University of Vermont 

Birks and Worth New York on both of us, Gramercy Tavern, 9/18

We’ve been working with our iPad Pro in lieu of the fancy laptop and honestly it’s been just fine. Touchscreen feature is nice, and the smaller, slimmer, lighter size is right where we’re going for 2018. Husband has felt like we have way too much stuff, and we agree. We know we’re consumers, big family = big life, and professionally my thing is stocking women’s closets. Our gig now is about our women having clothes they love to wear, feel great on their skin, enhance their lifestyle, and make getting dressed for their day easier and more pleasurable. So, out with what we don’t want, use, or love, and let’s put on repeat whatever it is that brings us pleasure and nourishes our soul.

last week Monday to and from studio look, can’t wait to get back, spring18 feels great

Long post here, 734 words, and not the usual subject matter, kind of have some time on my hands.

Every day dress. xoxo



When you get to a certain spot in life you kind of know that there’s nothing really speedy, and then you kind of figure out that might be kind of a good thing.

Third daughter, fifth child, left yesterday for second semester of college, really missing her, yet she knows and we all know that that’s where she is: college. And she really kind of loves it. Sent her off with her new speedy bag, and it’s all her.

Cooked for the family all weekend: scratch chicken soup and scratch chicken chili, I know, a lot of chicken going down, there was scratch chocolate cake too.

Chopping onions not one of our favorite things yet the speedy whirl in the food processor just doesn’t cut it so chop we do.

Best kitchen investment in the last twelve months is this handy little bench scraper in upper right hand of photo, we should all have a few of these gems. Pick yours up here for less than $10. Makes kitchen detail much more speedy, and precise.


snow day

Like a little kid, twenty-seven year old daughter that lives in the Flatiron District and works in Manhattan snapped me at 7:45 am this morning declaring she had a snow day, and got to work from home, so darn adorable.

When she was home in BUF in early November she stopped in at our downtown studio and really liked our Black Goose Down Fur Collar Puffer Coat, she was in the market for a puffer, and one that covered the back pockets of her pants, as most women in NYC walk those streets in some version of the same.



Like any good consumer she and I shopped around, and three days before departing for Deer Valley UT she asked me if I would two-day express ship her the Worth New York one, and that I did. She wore it non-stop out west, and loves it back east.

With sub-zero weather here at home I too took the plunge and ordered one as well, this time with overnight shipping as temps tomorrow aren’t even predicted to be out of the single digits and schools are already closed. College daughter is home with us, her flights cancelled, and love that her stay is extended. Always love a good snow day or two. We’re all tucked in and making sliders, a big kale salad, and Mac & Cheese.


Black Goose Down Fur Collar Puffer Coat, XP-XL

love that you can wear it casually and take it to town

If you too are feeling the chill and want/need an awesome little puffer, we ship anywhere, and like the big guys offer size and style consultations, and complimentary shipping and returns. Every day dress, always.

All photos (except professional Worth New York image), taken on Christmas Day 2017 by Maxwell.


making things nice

Peanut’s (Mary) 17th birthday dinner setting, August 2017

Second day of January and we took down the three trees. Once that huge holiday comes, and then goes, we’re all about clearing the way.

We love the idea of a new year, and fresh ideas. While driving with the husband the other day he was asking about goals and stuff, and about where I was headed. With clear mind and clear vision replied I was quite liking where we’re at: an independent stylist business with a great boutique clientele and a downtown address, a partner that gets me and I get her (talking about you Michelle), and a daughter (Booie), interested in learning the ropes. We love working with our women one to one, and making a small but important difference in their lives by helping them have clothes they love to wear, and that feel good on their skin. We’re not about getting to the top of the sales heap or corporate thing, yet totally support and encourage women that are feeling that drive.

Personally our time in the kitchen is divine, and cooking and serving those we love is at our core. We’ve mastered the professional cook certification, and those skills serve us well day in and day out. Now enrolled in the professional plant-based certification course, and looking to expand our repertoire with more plant-based options and raw techniques.

We’re at a good spot, celebrated 30 years of marriage this past fall and our oldest daughter will be married this August 2018. Six kids, three dogs, a couple of homes, a small fashion business, lots to style and write about. We know where we’re going: we’re about making things nice.

Lizzie’s 19th bday cake, New Year’s Day 2018

Cottage industry blog will carry on, posting about good clothes and good food, and a wedding being planned. Nothing major or crazy or over the top, simply seeking to make the every day a little bit elevated, and better all around.

moving on through

morning view in Deer Valley UT

afternoon in Buffalo NY

Woke up yesterday at about 6,570 feet or so, and today tapped in at 600 feet in our hometown BUF, couldn’t be happier. Still feeling flu effects, first outing was the gym for a light and quick 45 minute workout, then to the grocery for about an hour and 10, and that’s it. Sadly cancelled our New Year’s Eve ski town dinner plans with dear family friends, her emphatic advice was to lay low, and concentrate on resolutions, and that’s exactly where we’re at.

That Christmas thing is monumental even at your best. We probably overspent, overbooked, over-travelled, and then in the end kind of really just under-did: unwritten cards, unworn outfits, unbaked dough, missed meals, and not bought unwrapped gifts, oh, well. Tears don’t help, we’re simply moving on through. That’s the way with the every day, a new beginning and a new opportunity to make it better.

At the market we picked up some white primrose, and one of our favorites, hydrangea. Not sure about the all green, (are they engineered?), yet the freshness is so welcome.

As for resolutions? Never really shared much in that way, and have never really been one to make all or nothing propositions, we’re really more about instilling good habits, and hopefully inspiring a few others along the way. If we had to we’d go with some of the below:

  • eat vegetables with every meal, even first thing
  • begin six days of each week with exercise that makes us breath and work hard

new makeup bag gifted by Linnie and Booie, living on hand cream, foundation, and a little lipstick

  • put on good clothes, perhaps a little make-up, and make nutritious, delicious food for ourselves and those we love
  • drink water, coffee, tea, wine, and not Diet Coke (maybe the odd one on occasion). 
  • be kind and loving

Every day dress, moving on through.

Wishing everyone health and prosperity.




down for three

Here in the mountains amidst all holiday festivities the naughty cold and flu bug has swept in, brought me to my knees, and has kept anyone in its wake down for three, at the least. Honestly, the last time I was off my feet for three or more days was twenty-seven years ago when viral meningitis hit while caring for new-born twins and an eighteenth month old, scary stuff. This go-round, fever and delirium had me finding comfort alone on a closet floor, without any clothes, and swaddled in a sheet on Christmas Eve.

No greater gift than family, and health. Whatever it takes to nurture and keep those two, we’re in. These kids and the husband and the grandma and the fiancé and the girlfriend all stepped up and wrapped up the holiday. They carved the standing rib roast, mashed the potatoes, and sautéed the green beans. You know we’re all about breaking bread, and making shared meals a part of the every day. It’s the coming together we love, and they carried on.

Our dance card here at Park City/Deer Valley was and is full, skiing, dog-sledding, Orange Theory, and dinners out. We love being active, and moving daily, yet cold and flu symptoms don’t quite mix, so we stayed back and when the eyes could finally adjust cracked open the iPad and read Yolanda Hadid’s book Believe Me about her journey and that of two of her children battling and enduring through chronic Lyme disease. Wow- the continents she traveled too to seek relief, and the treatments she put herself through, all for greater health and to raise awareness of an invisible disease.

When everything looks beautiful it’s sometimes hard to put your arms around things not being right, yet when your physical body or that of one you love just doesn’t feel right, nothing else much matters. Invisible or not, good mental and physical health for one and all, and compassion to know that sometimes all is not what it seems, is what we wish for most.

Every day dress, down for three, yet moving up. xoxo