on strike




First, it’s really hard to beat a striped tee, leather jacket, and blue denim.

Second, we’re kind of on strike here against super skinny jeans and super high heels. Not sure what’s in the air, maybe turning fifty this July, yikes!, already there in the mind so no big deal, yet lately totally doing the shoe redo and the denim rework. Company I work for during the day job says ‘fashion is always evolving and so should we’. There we go, let’s evolve, or be on strike, or whatever.



So, with those two thoughts here we go: added that tee to the rotation yesterday in two colors, navy and white, duh, and brown and white, fresh. Leather jacket is last season and a perennial. 🙂 Denim is a constant, and now liking a more relaxed fit. Shoes? Admittedly it’s been a thing, before it was bags, have enough of those, and now want to treat the feet. Like the face, the feet show wear, and love:; they’ve walked and run miles and carried six children. One foot surgery down, and not wanting the downtime of another for I don’t know how long so shoes it is, low ones, on trend ones, ones we can walk in. On strike against good-looking cruel shoes, ha.






Photos taken late afternoon after the LAX pick-up, after the work day, and before dinner. That girl, youngest of six, she can have the skinnies and the highest of heels, love her to pieces.




Every day dress, on strike.

Striped Tee Leather Jacket | Worth New York

Denim | Citizens of Humanity | Emerson

Shoe | Chloe | @NET-A-PORTER

on youngest daughter

Sweater | Rebecca Taylor | @Tony Walker & Co

Denim | AG Jeans

Shoe | Christian Louboutin


quick deep thoughts

It’s Monday, we’re in the midst of wrapping summer trunk shows and adding to our team in upstate New York, and there’s a big college graduation weekend ahead, so need to be quick even though this topic runs deep, food, or more precisely, cooking your own food.


Yesterday I did what I do almost every day, cooked for those I love. Scrambled eggs, bacon, onions and green peppers for breakfast, grilled chicken, Caesar salad, sautéed asparagus and red peppers for lunch, and believe it or not simple cheeseburgers and a green salad with house made vinaigrette for dinner. Oldest daughters were out-of-town; two sons drove to the country place for late Sunday lunch with flowers in hand. About six in the evening or so drove home city-side and cooked for mom, she’s headed towards seventy-seven, and broke bread with a glass of wine, or two.


Reading the SundayStyles section of The New York Times is always a must-do. Settled in after dinner and the article that grabbed the most was of the uber-couple getting into vegan meal deliveries, and snacks. Prepared and packaged and delivered, if I read correctly. Vegan, go for it, both older daughters did the vegetarian thing for a few years, and now our sixteen year old is pretty much meat free. We should all eat and enjoy what we’re into for sure, and not press other’s to see things our way. It’s just that my deep thoughts on this subject after decades of eating and cooking is that food should be as close to real food and as bare as possible. Bare being without boxes, and preservatives, and cellophane, and as close to wear it came. Sure, it’s challenging, and more expensive, and yes, more time-consuming.

It’s also more soulful, preparing a meal to share with those you hold close. We scrambled, diced, sliced, whisked, grilled and washed dishes all day long. Bliss.

a pink dress





For weekend festivities, should you have a pink dress in your closet, now is a good time.

Dear friend and neighbor hosted a lovely intimate women’s luncheon yesterday and wore a pink dress that’s been in the wardrobe for maybe three years now? Didn’t wear it last year, so this year it felt fresh. Added some modern white shoes and a classic lady handbag, and dressed.

She cooked and baked everything herself, it was delightful to be a guest, thank you Mary.

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Happy Mother’s Day weekend to all women everywhere.




Every day dress, a pink dress. Let’s give all that black we love a rest for a little? It is May after all. 🙂

all together now




Not usually our jam, floral on floral, yet wore it all day Tuesday for the runaround and then again tonight for third daughters high school chorus concert.

Tuesday morning had no time to think, so naturally thinking lounge dressing might do? Took the pants we love, and the blouse we love, and wore them together. Compliments galore. People stopped me on the street and said, ‘pretty’, ‘nice colors’; never hear that kind of thing when wearing a column of black.

The concert was moving, brought goose bumps to the skin. A stage full of young people on the brink of their future singing their hearts out, loved it. They were without a doubt all together now.


While this isn’t earth shattering or anything important, happy I wore some colorful clothes.

Every day dress, all together now, floral on floral.

work weekend







Wednesday afternoon and already looking forward to another work weekend. Work weekends can be the best, nothing like playing in the dirt this time of year.

Last weekend Saturday worked the day job proper; helped a doc with some dresses for her non-stop professional life.

Then it was out to the country and dinner made with what was on hand. Was in the garden all day Sunday, weeding and spring clean-up.




Work weekend, here’s looking at you, you feed my soul.



Happy Wednesday everyone, it’s a good day.

all photos | iPhone


got my crush on

For WNY Women’s Foundation What She’s Made Of Celebration 2015 at the Albright-Knox Art Gallery, definitely got my crush on; Dr. Esther S. Takeuchi you are brilliant. How amazingly cool to be a prolific scientist, inventor, and at times in your career, the only woman in a room of smart and accomplished professionals. How beyond amazing that you are inspiring other women and girls to believe that they too can achieve and Invent a New World through science. You spoke of not being afraid of failure, and to keep on doing things. Yes, your words were more precise, yet those ideas so strongly resonate with me, having four daughters, and in having a relationship with two son’s girlfriends, one a mathematician.




Now for the serious fluff stuff: wore some new neon orange crush Cuban heel pumps, we’re not going near super heights with the feet anymore, and a purple grape crush crepe dress. Added a pop of fresh white with a small geometric wristlet. Outfit felt fun, and appropriate, thank you design team at Worth New York .


Dr. Esther S. Takeuchi, as strange as this might sound, I’ve got my crush on you. So great to be in the room with you last night, and so great that you are moving and inspiring others, thank you. Let’s all not be afraid of failure, and always keep on trying and doing new things.

pumps | Karera 45 neon leather | Christian Louboutin at NET-A-PORTER

dress and wristlet | Worth New York

even for three



Sometimes the best times in a home where there’s usually a crowd are small, intimate dinners, even and especially for three.

We used to be eight, now we’re often four. For me, dinner together is the high-point of any given day.

Every day dress, even for three.

shine on





Intent here is to post Monday through Friday, weekends off. Running a little late, in the grand scheme of it all, no big deal.

For Friday night activities donned those same distressed blue jeans, hey, if Amal, beauty and brains and fashion icon, can do it, so can we. Thank you, Christine.


Paired with an eight-way top, wow, and a little shine of a cardigan and clutch, and out the door, shine on. No make-up or hair, this time, like you, we’re busy.


Yeah, really need to power-wash the garage, haha.


Have a great weekend everyone, and shine on.

vested and distressed





For work wear Wednesday wore serious belted sleeveless jacket, really like a vest, and seriously distressed blue jeans. Added a pair of old Louboutins, leopard print, and dressed.

Some would say not: distressed jeans, not even close to dressed. When it comes to handbags and blue jeans, can’t seem to help myself. Should probably really think about my age, oh well, this is close to fifty, so what.

Worked with clients all day long, walked the dogs, and even weeded the garden. Weeding the garden is actually now one of our all time favorite pastimes, especially with a nice glass of Sauvignon Blanc alongside. Changed the shoes of course. 🙂


Every day dress, vested and distressed. Would you wear this kind of look?

mixed blues







Clients often  ask about mixing tone, pattern, texture: we say yes. Mixed blues, pretty much like black and navy, one of our favorite combinations, is good.

Here we are playing with a navy sweater with front paneled texture, a navy and white embroidered dot pleated skirt, navy patent bag, and navy and white block heeled sandals.

Trunk continues. Helping women look and feel great in their clothes.


Every day dress, mixed blues.